Corrosion layer of bronze relics consisted of red cuprite sub-layer, green carbonate mineral sub-layer and yellow stannolite sub-layer. 腐蚀层细分为红色赤铜矿层、绿色碳酸盐矿物层和黄色锡石层组成,其厚度小于1mm。
Copper minerals mainly include native copper and its oxides such as cuprite, tenorite and malachite together with a littlechalcocite. 矿石矿物主要为自然铜及其表生氧化产物黑铜矿、赤铜矿、孔雀石等;
A novel hydrothermal approach was developed to prepare cuprite at 130 ℃ for 18 h under slightly acidic conditions ( pH: 4~ 6). The yielded particles are, about 100 nm in size, cubic in shape. 在微酸性(pH:4~6)的水热体系中130℃反应18h合成了氧化亚铜纳米粒子,粒径约为100nm,呈立方体外形。