But there are also disadvantages, Oh, good dry my hair, hairdresser that it should always do curium oil care, hair care, said the hair would also have the role of nutritional supplements. 但也有缺点,哦,干好我的头发,发型师,它应该经常做的锔油护理,护发,头发会说,也有补充营养的作用。
Powered by 0.7 milligram of radioactive curium 244, apxs irradiates samples with alpha particles ( nuclei of helium atoms) and X-rays to make sensitive measurements of chemical makeup. 由0.7毫克的放射性锔244驱动,apxs利用α粒子(氦原子的原子核)和x-射线撞击样品使之产生可以被测量的化学成分。
French curium snail only this one has the space bridge and Xizhimen shops are not, this is a favorite aunt and godmother 法式锔蜗牛只有这家有,航天桥和西直门店都没有,这是姨妈和干妈的最爱
A radioactive transuranic element synthesized by bombarding curium with carbon ions; 7 isotopes are known. 一种放射性超铀元素,用碳离子轰击锔而合成,已知有种同位素。
Broth lion head, ring oil eel paste, large cooking kan-ssu, snails are popular French curium. 清汤狮子头、响油鳝糊、大煮干丝、法式锔蜗牛都受欢迎。
A radioactive transuranic element; discovered by bombarding curium with alpha particles. 一种放射性超铀元素,在用α粒子轰击锔时发现。
The curium bases on the educational evaluation, by means of IEP and topic teaching to improve the students'abilities of life adaptation. 本课程从教育评估入手,以个别化教育计划的实现为目标,通过综合主题单元课程,实现学生生活适应能力的提高。
The semi-quantitative Interpretation of Unusual Ground Electronic Configuration of the Curium Element 对元素锔反常基电子组态的半定量解释
Separation of americium from curium by anion exchange method in ch_3oh-hno_3 media 在甲醇-硝酸介质中用阴离子交换法分离镅、锔
Reich the types of curium and the content to set up a modern educational system. 要进一步丰富课程类型和教材内容,构建现代化的教学立交桥。
Extract of curium dioxide from the light rare earth carbonate 从碳酸轻稀土提取二氧化铈
Simultaneous electrodeposition of uranium, neptunium, plutonium, americium, and curium from oxalic acid-nitric acid system 草酸-硝酸体系中铀、镎、钚、镅、锔的同时电沉积
Study on the Curium ⅰ Odd-Parity Energy Levels Using Pattern Recognition Techniques CmⅠ奇宇称光谱能级的模式识别研究
Textbook is an important carrier and a major component of the curriculum. It is an important resource for teaching and learning. The quality of textbook affects the whole process of curium implementation. 教材是课程的重要载体和主要组成部分,是教师教学和学生学习的重要资源,教材质量直接影响到课程实施的全过程。