Results Its characteristics were small point and curvilineal form calcifications, usually incorporating low density, hydrocephalus and other malformation in brain. 结果脑内点状及线条样钙化为其特征性表现,常合并脑内低密度、脑积水及其他发育畸形。
Results: The main diagnostic feature of the entity included: ( 1) Widely scattered small nodular or curvilineal calcifications involving the basal ganglia, subependymal region and the frontal or parietal lobes; 结果:本病的CT诊断要点为(1)脑内钙化灶为特征性表现,呈点状或弧线状,多见于基底节区,也可见于室管膜下及额叶和顶叶内;
Aberration Theory for Wide Electron Beam Focusing Having Curvilineal Optical Axis in Electro-Static and Magnetic Imaging Systems 电磁聚焦成象系统中曲轴宽电子束聚焦的象差理论