With the shared data domains feature, operators can provide continuously available ( 24x7) portal sites with full customisation support, while keeping operation procedures simple. 使用共享数据域功能,操作人员可以提供具有完全自定义支持的连续可用(24x7)门户站点,同时保持操作流程的简单性。
The framework is typically made up of commercial or open-source tools in combination with customisation or tailoring to meet the specific environment needs. 框架通常由商业工具或开源工具组成,结合了定制和调整,可满足特定的环境要求。
Experts have long heralded the ability of manufacturers to use mass customisation to pimp my training shoes or your car. 专家们早就预言制造商将有能力用大规模定制向我推销训练鞋,或者向你推销汽车。
Describing the changes required to provide extensive customisation as a restart for the business and its supply chain, he said: It would be exceptionally hard for someone at massive scale to do this. 奥斯特罗表示,摩托罗拉在中国重启业务及供应链,将为中国市场提供广泛定制化的产品和服务。他表示:这样做对于一家大规模企业尤为困难。
The book charts how Deloitte in the US came up with the idea of mass career customisation as an alternative model – one in which all employees tailor their work and careers to their own and their company's needs over time. 这本书介绍了德勤(Deloitte)美国公司以大规模职业生涯定制概念作为一种替代模式的经验。在这个概念中,所有员工都根据他们自己及公司的需要,随时调整其工作和职业生涯规划。
Indeed, if fit is not in question, online customisation is often a much more appealing prospect than trekking to bricks and mortar stores. 的确,如果合身不成问题,在线定做往往比奔赴实体店更吸引人。
Yet even she is aware that the new technology is only one step in a long process: The online customisation tool is only the tip of the iceberg of the service we offer to clients, she says. 然而连她也意识到,新技术仅仅是漫长过程中的一个步骤。在线定做工具与我们为客户提供的全部服务相比,不过是冰山一角,她指出。
Not shown here is the ability for the component to do per-instance customisation when it's brought on-line. 这里并没有展示组件在进入运行状态时对每个实例进行定制的能力。
Firefox has long been prized by users for its advanced features and speed, and the flexibility and customisation facilitated by the thousands of third-party browser add-ons that have been developed for it. 长期以来,火狐因其先进的功能和速度、灵活性以及数千为之开发的第三方浏览器附加软件促进下的客户化而得到用户的赞誉。
Q. There seems to have been a lot of interest in the character designs since E3. Can you also tell us something about character customisation? 似乎自从E3以后已经对个性设计深入人心。你也能告诉我们关于个性设定的一些事吗?
International brands are targeting the same business and improving the quality and customisation of the cars they sell in China. 国际品牌也在瞄准同样的业务,提高在华销售汽车的质量与用户定制水平。
He has also moved upmarket by increasing customisation for clients such as Armani Exchange. 他还转战高端市场,增加了为ArmaniExchange等客户定制产品的业务。
Each customer has their own requirements for the business logic implementation and often a long period of customisation before the software can be used. 每个终端客户有他们自己正对商业逻辑应用的需要,而且在软件使用之前还有很长一段时期的个性化需要。
A new test-code generation model, intended to better support the customisation of generated code 一个新的测试代码生成模型,以便更好地提供对生成代码进行定制的支持
The software is still built primarily in code, but customisation of the model for a new customer or just for a customer that requests change frequently becomes much easier. 软件仍然是由代码创建出来的,但是针对一个新客户的模型定制或者说一个单独客户来说,频繁的需求变化变得更加容易。
The firm borrowed from mass product customisation. 该公司借用了大规模生产定制的概念。
He said the shift was also being driven by customer demands for quicker supply times and greater customisation. 他表示,客户对更快供应时间和更强定制化的需求也推动了这种转变。
Mass customisation means offering customers just an element of choice over certain modules or components of the product while keeping the overall design unchanged. 大规模定制意味着,仅在产品的某些模块或组件上为顾客提供少许选择,同时保持产品的整体设计不变。
Such questions are the reason Thomas Pink, which recently launched an online customisation service allowing customers to create their own ties, has not extended its web presence to shirts. 上述问题是ThomasPink公司尚未将其最近推出的一项在线定做服务扩展到衬衫定做领域的原因,这项服务目前可以使客户在网上为自己设计领带。
In doing so, it not only eliminates the middlemen, but it also allows what I call mass customisation. 这样做,不但排除了中介人,还能提供我所谓的“量身订做”产品。
This brings me to a deeper-seated reason why mass customisation has never taken off and probably never will. 这让我想到一个更深刻的原因,可以解释为何大规模定制从未风行、而且可能永远也不会风行。
But, like modifiable front pages, website customisation is something that Yahoo was espousing a decade ago. 然而,就像可变换的首页一样,量身定做网站是雅虎十年前就采用过的做法。
Simultaneously, the dean deals with both growing competition and increasing pressure on customisation and price for executive education, as well as a shrinking market for MBAs. 同时,商学院院长还要应对高管教育日益加剧的竞争、量身定制和价格方面越来越大的压力,以及MBA市场日益收缩等问题。
Other factors include greater requirements for product customisation the increasing "tailoring" of products from consumer gadgets to industrial machines to suit the requirement of the user. 另外一个因素是消费者对产品个性化的要求上升从小型消费品到工业机械等产品的“按需定制”程度都趋于上升,以适应用户需求。
This dissertation is devoted to some core questions between the nodes of supply chain, which included the mechanism of decision-making, the stability of cooperation, the selection of collaborative partners as well as the coordination of nodes oriented Mass Customisation ( MC). 围绕供应链管理中有关供应链的决策机制、供应链的稳定性、合作伙伴的选择评价方法和面向大规模定制中供应链节点间的合作协调等方面,本文进行了一些研究和讨论。
One-layer based evolutionary product customisation design method was presented to satisfy individual need for design. 为了满足客户的个性需求进行产品设计,提出了基于单层进化的产品客户化设计方法。
IC can realize the synergies among customisation, zero customer lead time, and low cost. IC能同时实现定制、零顾客订货提前期和低成本的目标。