Mr Grant feels that the cutbacks contradict the Government's commitment to better educational standards. 格兰特先生感觉这些缩减措施和政府提高教育水平的承诺背道而驰。
If your company has had layoffs or cutbacks, ask what you can do to fill the gaps. 如果公司之前曾有过裁员或精简,问问你可以做些什么来填补空缺。
For now, many economists say avoiding the shock that would come from higher taxes and government cutbacks is far more critical to the world's largest economy. 目前,很多经济学家表示,避免来自于高税收和政府削减的冲击对于世界最大的经济体来说更为重要。
They say Athens has still failed to make enough headway on the structural reforms necessary to put the economy on better footing, and they are pressing Greece to raise billions of euros through more budgetary cutbacks and taxes. 为了改善经济基础,必须进行结构改革,但他们表示,雅典依然未在这方面取得足够的进展。他们正在向希腊施压,要求其通过进一步削减预算和征税,以筹集数十亿欧元。
It looks like you've had to make cutbacks recently. I don't see nearly as many books as you used to have here. 看来你最近节省了。过去在这儿你有很多书,可现在我看不到那么多的书了。
The global downward spiral of uncertainty, caution and cutbacks in lending and spending may continue. 全球不确定性的下行螺旋,以及在借贷和支出方面的谨慎与收缩可能将继续下去。
We've had to make cutbacks in nearly every department. 我们每个部门都不不减少人员。
The consequent collapse of credit will, in turn, impose rapid cutbacks in spending and a huge recession. 随之而来的信用崩溃反过来将导致支出快速缩减和严重的衰退。
Yet, thus far, there are few signs of any substantial cutbacks in either graduate recruitment or training. 但迄今为止,几乎没有迹象显示,大学毕业生招聘或培训已明显减少。
We have to make some cutbacks or we will be over budget. 我们得削减开支了,不然就要超出预算了。
Cutbacks on investment have led to growth predictions being revised downwards. 投资的削减致使增长预测下调。
Yet years of strong growth and cutbacks in public investment, which have restored economic health to emerging markets, have also eaten up excess capacity. 不过,新兴市场经过多年的强劲增长和公共投资的削减,虽然经济恢复了健康,但也使过剩产能消耗殆尽。
Many theatres are having to make major cutbacks. 许多剧院不得不进行大规模的削减。
They blame cutbacks to government initiatives, like the syringe exchange program. 他们将这个现象,归咎于政府援助的削减,例如换发注射器计划。
Many hospitals face cutbacks in services. 许多医院都面临服务削减的问题。
Sharp cutbacks in overseas lending have exacerbated the credit crunch by withdrawing a major source of funding, even as domestic lenders have also been hit by the crisis. 正当国内银行也受到危机打击之际,海外贷款的急剧减少令信贷危机进一步加深,因为它阻断了一个重要的融资来源。
Cutbacks in auto output contributed to a sharp drop in the official index of industrial production. 汽车产量的缩减也是促使官方工业生产指数急剧下降的原因之一。
People are concerned about the cutbacks in federal welfare programs. 人们关注着联邦福利计划的削减。
The hospital is freezing staff appointments as part of its cutbacks. 这家医院冻结员工职位作为削减开支的一部分。
People are by far Wall Street's biggest cost, so mass cutbacks are common during profit downturns. 人员是华尔街到目前为止的最大成本,所以大规模裁员是利润不景气时期的常见现象。
In the defence industries sudden cutbacks and layoffs are common. 在国防工业中,突然性的裁员和临时解雇是常有的事。
Fiscal cutbacks must not fall on activities likely to support growth infrastructure and research and development. 不应在可能促进增长的活动基础设施和研发上削减财政支出。
Cutbacks in public spending are expected in the next budget. 明年的预算中可能要缩减公共开支。
We must ensure the world's poor and fragile countries do not suffer cutbacks in aid and are not forgotten. 我们必须保证不减少向世界上贫困和脆弱国家提供的援助,不忘记这些国家。
A general downturn within the industry is forcing major cutbacks, and the company is preparing extensive restructuring. 玩具业出现了整体的不景气,大幅裁员,公司也准备进行大幅度的重组。
This led to further cutbacks in public investment and social expenditure programmes. 这造成公共投资和社会支出计划进一步收缩。
The V-VS had undergone serious cutbacks in the'30s, and many of the Spanish Civil War veterans had been purged. V-VS经历了30年代的大清洗,很多西班牙内战的老兵被清洗掉了。
I agree that companies appeared to underestimate the cutbacks and price cuts of competitors on the way down. 我同意,过去企业似乎会低估处于下坡路的竞争对手的减产和降价举措。
The result of these cutbacks in spending on health for the poor and the old would be further deterioration. 削减面向穷人和老年人的健康支出,其结果可能会使情况更加恶化。