A pair of lasers arranged at right angles to one another write data into the cuvette by shining in turn on "slices" through the plastic matrix. 此时,一对事先调整到一个合适角度的激光器通过塑料矩阵轮流在“切片”上闪烁,这样就把数据写入试管。
To read the stored data, a low-powered red laser is shone slice by slice through the cuvette. 读取存储的数据时,就让一个低能红色激光器通过试管一片一片地发光。
Dr Birge says that each cuvette can now hold about seven gigabytes of data ( a small laptop computer might have about this much space on its hard drive). 伯奇博士说,每支这样的试管现在可保存约七十亿字节的数据(一台小型手提电脑的硬盘也就这么大的空间)。
The silver/ bioanalyte suspension was pumped through a light scattering cuvette, and the enhanced Raman spectrum was recorded. 银/生物混和悬浮液打入光分散玻璃管中后,记录增强后之拉曼光谱。
The simple, menu-guided operation, along with the automatic cuvette detection and measurement, guarantees reliable results. 这种简便的、菜单指导操作和自动电池探测和测定确保了检测的可靠度。
Place the capped cuvette in the holder and push the black lever down to lock it. 把有盖的比色皿置于比色槽中,把黑色的操作杆拉下把它锁住。
In addition, for temperature stabilization, the cuvette holder's base plate has internal channels that can connect to a circulating, constant-temperature water source. 另外为了达到稳定的温度,试管支架的底架有内部通道,通道与一个循环的、恒温的水源连通。
First, a cuvette filled with distilled water must be scanned as a blank to provide a spectral background. 首先,要扫瞄一个装有蒸馏水的比色皿作为空白,以提供一个光谱背景。
The WHO Regional Office for Africa dispatched the West Africa sub-regional epidemic response team which has arrived in the Cuvette Ouest D é partement. 世界卫生组织非洲地区事务办公室派出的西非地区流行病控制工作队已抵达刚果西盆地地区。
A New-designed Cuvette for Spectrophotometry and Its Applications in Clinical Assay 一种新型分光光度计液槽的设计及其在临床生化检验中的应用
The sample spectra were obtained with the cuvette holder in-line between the fibers. 样品光谱是通过将小型管固定器与纤维之间同轴的方式获得的。
If the experiment calls for measurements in the ultraviolet, the cuvette holder can be optimized to more efficiently transmit ultraviolet light. 如果实验要求在紫外线区域进行度量,那么可以优化小型管固定器使其更有效的传输紫外光。
This paper presents the design of an automatic biochemical analyzer of independent reaction cuvette, and the important parts of the analyzer are described in detail. 介绍了一种分立式全自动生化分析仪的设计及研制概况,对各重要部件作了进一步阐述,为今后人们研究全自动生化分析仪提供了有价值的经验。
Cuvette: to hold the blood sample for centrifugation. 容器功能:在离心分离前保存血液准备。
There may be a hemoglobin measurement mechanism or card with a cuvette. 可有带有试管的血色素测量机构或卡。
Design features like built-in filter slots, combined with optional accessories such as direct-attach cuvette holders, make sampling simple. 像内置过滤槽的设计,与可选择附件如直接试管固定器的组合,使取样简单。
Surface Effect of Lanthanum Coating on Graphite Cuvette 镧涂层表面效应初探
Methods: Diffusing-agar measure and diluting measure in cuvette were adopted to defect the effect of Wuji Solution on bating and killing helicobacter pylori. 方法:采用琼脂扩散法、试管稀释法检测戊己水煎液对H·pylori的抑杀作用;
An improved cuvette frame in 721 Spectrophotometer 721分光光度计的一种附加比色杯架
Methods: ( 1) CpG DNA, the target, was immobilized on the biotin cuvette of biosensor. 结果:(1)建立了以CPGDNA为靶点应用生物传感器筛选抗炎中药的技术平台;
This paper studied the effect of component, concentration and cultivation condition of culture medium on strawberry virus-free cuvette plantlet. 试验对影响草莓脱毒试管苗玻璃化的培养基成分和浓度以及培养条件等因素进行了探讨研究。
Effect of different seedling age and carbon origin on inducement of cuvette potato 不同苗龄及碳源对马铃薯试管薯诱导的影响
A turbidimetric method is based on the fact that sperm so endowed will be the first to swin upward into medium from a concentrated sperm suspension at the bottom of an optical cuvette. 浊度分析法是以位于比色杯底的细胞悬液里的精子首先会向上游入介质为基础的。
Comparison of the results based on α-tocopherol index showed a good correlation between the activities measured by TLC-DPPH and by the conventional cuvette assay. 以维生素E指数为清除活力指标,视频扫描法与常规标准比色法的测定结果具有良好的相关性。
Objective To develop a no adhesiveness to colorimetric cuvette and high sensitivity automatic assay for microproteins. 目的寻找及建立1种不粘附比色杯,灵敏度高的准确的微量蛋白自动分析法。
By changing the laser fluorometer sensitivity ( 400-200), up to 3000 ng uranium in the cuvette can be detected. Thus, both analytical accuracy and detectable range are improved. 通过变换仪器的灵敏度(400~200),就能把装在测量皿中3000ng以下的铀检测出来,提高了痕量铀分析的准确度,扩大了测铀量程。
PCS Particle-sizer Cuvette Temperature Controller PCS粒度仪样品池温度控制器
Study of influence of tissue culture condition on Vitrification of strawberry virus-free cuvette plantlet 组培条件对草莓脱毒试管苗玻璃化影响的研究
A flowing cuvette is introduced to the spectrum measuring part so as to solve the problem of consistency of the measurement condition for different liquid samples. 在光谱测量中引入了流动比色装置,解决了对不同液体进行光谱测量时的条件一致性问题。