A color model used by the printing industry that is based on mixing cyan, magenta, and yellow. 印刷行业使用的一种颜色模型,建立在蓝绿色、绛红色和黄色相混合的基础上。
In addition, the hostname is colored in red when it is root, green when it is a normal user, and the remainder of the prompt is colored in cyan. 此外,主机名为root时是红色,为普通用户时为绿色,提示符中的其余部分则设置为青色。
This colorimeter reading is for a patch called cyan. 该色度计读数针对颜色为青色的一片。
Cyan: This is also clearly data. cyan:这显然也是数据。
White, red, green, blue and their complementary colors, black, cyan, magneta and yellow are used to code the grating based on the binary system. 其中投影光栅用白、红、绿、蓝和它们的补色黑、青、品、黄按照四位二进制原理对光栅进行编码。
One neuron, for example, might switch on just red and cyan, so it would glow a pleasant mauve; 例如,一个神经元可能只激活红色和青色,这样就会产生令人愉悦的紫红色;
Generally, we use the yellow, magenta, cyan and black, four color separation to print with the appropriate ink. 通常印刷使用黄、品红、青和黑四种分色版和相应的油墨印刷。
A few large delicate words are carved in the cyan stone. 那块青石上刻着几个秀美的大字。
As an aside, a mixture of cyan, magenta and yellow should produce black, but in reality a touch of black is needed to get it. 作为旁白,混合了蓝、洋红、黄应出示黑色但现实是黑色的味道,需要得到他们的支持。
Sign the letter in blue ink, not black ink. Blue printer: One of the four printing plates in a subtractive colour process which is to be printed in cyan ink. 用蓝墨水而不是用黑墨水签名,因为蓝墨水很容易地让人区别出哪个是正本,哪个是影印副本。蓝版:减色彩印法的四张印版之一。它需用青蓝色墨印刷。
We can see from the cyan and purple on the ribbon that he is of high rank. 看那绶带上的青紫色,就知道他是高官显爵。
Tricolor printing The subtractive primaries are cyan ( a bluish green), magenta ( a purplish pink), and yellow; 减色法三原色是青绿色、品红(略带紫色的粉红色)和黄色;
Cyan: A skier is skiing in Germany. 青:德国一名滑雪爱好者在滑雪。
For example, a line drawn on a cyan destination will appear as magenta. 例如,在青色目标上绘制的线将显示为洋红色。
Process colour printing: A form of multi-colour printing in which only four definite colours, viz.: yellow, magenta, cyan and black are used. 四色彩印:是多色印刷的一种。它限定使用黄,洋红,青蓝和黑四种颜色。
Process inks: Cyan, magenta, yellow and black inks as a set of four for process colour printing. 四色墨:配制为一套,供四色彩印用的油墨,它们分别是青蓝,洋红,黄和黑。
Green and red light mix to produce yellow, red and blue light mix to produce magenta, green and blue mix to produce cyan. 绿光和红光叠加可产生黄色,红光与蓝光叠加可产生品红色,绿光与蓝光叠加可产生青绿色。
In process colour printing, they are: magenta, yellow and cyan. 在彩印方面,它们是:洋红,黄及青蓝。
Four-colour process: Colour printing with the three subtractive primary colours ( yellow, magenta, cyan) plus black. Also called Full colour printing, Process colour printing. 四色彩印:用三个减色法原色(黄、洋红、青蓝)加上黑色的彩色印刷。
Draw Normals-Toggle drawing of Normals. If this is ON, face normals are drawn as cyan segments. 绘制法线:开关法线绘制,如果开启,面上的法线将以青色线段绘制。
Three-colour process: Process work using the yellow, magenta and cyan without black. 三色彩印:用黄,洋红及青蓝而不加黑的彩色印刷方法。
Process colours: The colours used for the process colour printing. They are process blur ( cyan), process red ( magenta), yellow and black. 套色印刷,多彩印刷法彩印颜色:四色彩印所用的颜色。它们是:彩印蓝(青蓝),彩印红(洋红),黄和黑。
The method was tested on 12 samples-gray, cyan, magenta and yellow-at three mid-tone contrasts on two scanners. 在两台扫描仪上分别选取三个不同的色调反差条件对灰、青、品、黄共12个颗粒样片进行了测试。
Blue printer: One of the four printing plates in a subtractive colour process which is to be printed in cyan ink. 蓝版:减色彩印法的四张印版之一。它需用青蓝色墨印刷。
They are process blur ( cyan), process red ( magenta), yellow and black. 彩印蓝(青蓝),彩印红(洋红),黄和黑。
The subtractive primaries are cyan, magenta, and yellow; 减色法三原色是青绿色、品红和黄色;
Because it always had a kind of sweet and sour flavor cyan. 因为它总会有一股淡青色的甜酸气息。
Objective: To construct enhanced cyan fluorescence protein ( ECFP) lentiviral vector using the gene multipoint mutation. 目的:通过多点突变构建增强型青色荧光蛋白(ECFP)慢病毒表达载体。