Method and progress of silicone resin modification by epoxy resin Reserch on Toughening Modification of Cyanate Ester Resin 环氧树脂化学改性有机硅树脂的方法综述热塑性树脂增韧氰酸酯树脂的研究进展
Preparation and Properties of Carbon Nanotubes/ Cyanate Ester Composites 碳纳米管/氰酸酯复合材料的制备及性能研究
The study shows the prepolymerization of cyanate ester has influence on dielectric performance. 研究表明:氰酸酯的预聚工艺对固化物的介电性能有影响;
Ex-Situ Toughening of T700/ Cyanate Ester/ Epoxy Resin Composites T700/氰酸酯/环氧树脂复合材料的离位增韧
The reaction mechanism of cyanate ester monomer synthesized by a "cyanogen halide-phenol method" is discussed. 前言:分析了“卤化氰-酚法”合成氰酸酯单体的化学原理。
Research Progress of Toughening Modification of Cyanate Ester Resin 国内氰酸酯树脂增韧改性的研究进展
Preparation and thermal property research of cyanate/ silsesquioxane hybrids 氰酸酯-倍半硅氧烷杂化材料制备及其性能研究
The Influence of the Surface Treatment of Nano-SiO_2 on the Tribological Properties of Nano-SiO_2 Modified Cyanate Ester Resin 纳米二氧化硅的表面处理对纳米二氧化硅改性氰酸酯树脂摩擦学性能的影响
Study on Heat Resistant Wave-transparent Composites Based on Cyanate Ester Resin 耐高温氰酸酯树脂基透波复合材料的研究
Cured Compound in Cyanate Ester/ Epoxy Co-Curing System 氰酸酯/环氧树脂共混体系固化反应
On Novel Manual Dielectrics Based on Cyanate Ester Resin 氰酸酯树脂基新型人工介质材料的研究
Complete destruction of cyanide to?? would increment the treatment costs above those presented above for simple oxidation to cyanate. 氰化物完全破坏成二氧化碳会使处理费用高过上述简易氧化成氰酸盐的费用。
Study on the curing kinetics and curing process of cyanate ester/ POSS hybrid resin 多面体低聚倍半硅氧烷/氰酸酯杂化树脂固化动力学与固化工艺研究
At the same time, the development tendency and the application prospect of cyanate ester resins were also discussed. 同时,还讨论了改性氰酸酯树脂的发展方向及应用前景。
Study on the Modified Thermosetting Systems and Composites Based on Cyanate Ester Resins 改性氰酸酯树脂及其复合体系的研究
Study and modify on rheological property of a bisphenol a cyanate resin 一种双酚A型氰酸酯树脂流变特性及其改性研究
Research on modified cyanate ester resin system for filament winding 纤维缠绕用改性氰酸酯树脂体系研究
Preparation of Cyanate Ester Resin for Hot Melt Impregnation 适用于热熔法制备预浸料的氰酸酯树脂的制备
Properties of Nano-Si_3N_4/ Bismaleimide/ Cyanate Resin Composites 纳米Si3N4/双马来酰亚胺/氰酸酯树脂复合材料的性能
New High Performance Solvent-free Impregnating Resin Based on Bismaleimide/ Cyanate Ester Hybrid Network 新型高性能无溶剂双马来酰亚胺/氰酸酯浸渍树脂的研究
Study on HTPB Modified Cyanate Ester Resin 端羟基聚丁二烯改性氰酸酯树脂体系研究
Structure and properties of novolac cyanate ester co-cured with epoxy resins 酚醛氰酸酯/环氧共固化树脂的结构和性能
The curing reaction's kinetics and dynamic model of the cyanate resin were also introduced. 文中介绍了氰酸酯固化反应机理和氰酸酯固化反应的动力学模型;
The requirement of matrix resin for the high frequency and high performance copper clad laminate was introduced and polyphenylene ether resin, cyanate resin and polyimide resin were also discussed in detail. 介绍了高频高性能覆铜板对基材的性能要求,详细讨论了聚苯醚树脂、氰酸酯树脂及聚酰亚胺树脂的特性,并简要介绍了各种树脂基覆铜板的应用情况。
The properties of cyanate resin is simply introduces and its application in radomes is reviewed. 简单介绍了氰酸酯树脂的性能,重点概括了氰酸酯在高透波雷达天线罩中的应用情况。
Reaction study of cyanate ester and epoxy resin 氰酸酯与环氧树脂的共聚反应的研究
Kinds and commercial products of cyanate ester resins and it's adhesives were introduced; 介绍了高性能氰酸酯树脂的品种、主要性能、商业产品和氰酸酯树脂固化反应的原理和特点;
Potassium cyanate was prepared by reacting potassium carbonate with urea in a suitable solvent. 以工业碳酸钾和尿素为原料,采用适宜的溶剂合成氰酸钾。
The effect of cyanate ester resin modified with aluminum borate whisker was studied. 研究了硼酸铝晶须改性氰酸酯树脂的作用和效果,探讨了前期处理工艺、晶须表面处理和晶须的添加对氰酸酯树脂力学性能和热性能的影响。