Objective: To study on the extraction of the total cyanogen glucoside of Sorbus tianschanica Ruper. 目的:研究天山花楸总氰苷的提取工艺。
The reaction mechanism of cyanate ester monomer synthesized by a "cyanogen halide-phenol method" is discussed. 前言:分析了“卤化氰-酚法”合成氰酸酯单体的化学原理。
Methods Prepare pneumococcus type 1 conjugate vaccine by cyanogen bromide activation and amine reduction respectively and determine their biochemical and immunological characteristics. 方法分别采用溴化氰活化法与胺还原法制备结合物,并对其进行生化及免疫学检测。
Relating to or containing cyanogen. 氰的与氰基有关的或含有氰基的。
Conclusion Compared with amine reduction, cyanogen bromide activation was more suitable for the preparation of pneumococcus type 1 conjugate vaccine. 结论采用溴化氰活化法制备1型肺炎球菌荚膜多糖-蛋白结合疫苗优于胺还原法。
There are no Google Apps bundled with CM ROMs, because Google asked Cyanogen to remove copyrighted apps, after flashing rom don't forget to flash Google Addon package if you want it. 有没有Google应用程序捆绑招商光盘,因为谷歌问氰后删除版权保护的应用程序,闪烁ROM不要忘记闪光灯谷歌插件包,如果你想让它。
Method of Cyanogen Bromide Fluorimetry Determination of Trace Amount of Selenomethionine in Grain and Blood 粮食、血中痕量硒蛋氨酸的溴化氰&荧光测定法
Removal of ammonia-nitrogen from wastewater by sodium hypochlorite oxidization It is possible to harness the versatile chemical properties of cyanogen azide. 次氯酸钠氧化脱除废水中氨氮的研究氰化叠氮的灵活多变的化学性质是可控制的。
A2SD included ( fully automatic-thanks cyanogen!)-create a EXT3 partition as your second partition to use. A2SD包括(全自动-感谢氰!)-建立一个为您的第二个分区使用ext3分区。
Research on Oxidation Modification of Activated Carbon and Cyanogen Chloride Elimination 活性炭氧化改性及氯化氰消除的应用研究
Such agents, including hydrocyanic acid and Cyanogen Chloride. 这类毒剂包括氢氰酸和氯化氰。
Contingent plans of waste water with phenol and cyanogen pollution to the source area of the tap water the technology for contamination controling best available control technology 酚氰废水对水源保护区域污染的应急控制技术研究
Vaporizing ices from the comet included cyanogen and diatomic carbon, both gases that glow green in sunlight out in the vacuum of space. 这颗彗星蒸发的冰中含有氰和二价碳,在太空真空环境下被阳光照射时,两种气体均发出绿光。
Determination of cyanogen ions with indirect catalysis polarography 间接催化极谱法测定氰离子
New Treatment Technology of Hydroxybenzene and Cyanogen WasteWater from Coke Plant and Its Application 焦化厂酚氰污水处理新工艺及其应用
The free cyanogen determinator is used to make density analysis of free sodium cyanide in the cyanide leaching solution of gold ore. 游离氰测定仪用于金矿氰化液中的游离氰化钠浓度分析。
Secondly, we have to remove and recycle hydroxybenzene 、 cyanogen and ammonia. 其次要对酚、氰、氨等物质脱除与回用。
Measurement of the Cyanogen Content in Waste Water by means of Silver Cyanogen Complexation 银、氰络合法测定废水中含氰量
Advances of Analytical Methods of Cyanogen Chloride 氯化氰分析法的进展
Treatment Methods of Cyanide Wastewater Cyanogen Stability in Low Cyanogen Containing Solution 含氰废水的处理方法含氰水溶液中氰稳定性的研究
In the preparation of cyanogen bromide, the influence of reaction temperature and reactant ratio on product was studied. 在制备溴化氰的过程中研究了反应温度、配料比对反应速率的影响。
The Exploration of A Simple Measurement Method of Cyanogen Chloride 氯化氰的简易测定方法探索
The Thermodynamics Analysis of Methods treating Electroplate Wastewater Containing Zine(ⅱ) and Cyanogen Compounds 含锌(Ⅱ)和氰化物的电镀废水处理的热力学分析
Study on the treatment of waste water Containing nickel and cyanogen in the laboratory 含镍氰复杂废水处理的实验室研究
Study on Biodegradability of Organic Cyanogen Wastewater and Its Toxicity to Microorganism 有机氰废水的生物降解性和微生物毒性试验
Preliminary study of synthesis of some kinds of pyrethroids containing fluorine and cyanogen 几种新型含氟含氰拟除虫菊酯的合成研究初报
The application of combination drying system producing cyanogen uric acid 组合干燥系统在氰尿酸生产中的应用
Study on Treatment Technology of Wastewater Containing Organic Cyanogen Anion With Highly Concentration 高浓度有机氰废液处理技术研究
Determining of Cyanogen Chloride in Drinking Water 饮用水中氯化氰的吡啶-巴比妥酸分光光度测定法