Determination of Cyclobenzaprine in Human Plasma by HPLC-MS/ MS and Its Application to Pharmacokinetics Study HPLC-MS/MS测定人血浆中环苯扎林浓度及药动学研究
The most widely studied agent is cyclobenzaprine, with demonstrated efficacy for various musculoskeletal conditions but with significant sedation. 还苯扎林是被研究最多的药,已被证明在肌骨骼疾病中有效,但有明显的镇静作用。
Determination of the concentration of cyclobenzaprine in human serum by LC/ MS/ MS: Application to the pharmacokinetics of domestic tablets LC/MS/MS测定人血清中环苯扎林的浓度及药代动力学研究