
n.  (通)三氟氯氰菊酯;功夫(菊酯)



  1. The strain was selected with pyrethroids, could cause resistance elevated higher to cyhalothrin.
  2. Studies on Preparation of Methy-β-cyclodextrin · Cyhalothrin Inclusion Complex and Its Control Effects in Field
  3. The effectiveness of the phytoremediation of ethion, dicofol and cyhalothrin by water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes Solms) was studied.
  4. Study on Residue Dynamics of Cyhalothrin in Kiwifruit
  5. Toxicity of cyhalothrin against Paramecium
  6. Study on the Inclusion Action of Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and Cyhalothrin
  7. The strain was selected with no insecticide, could also prohibit resistant development to cyhalothrin, but the ratio of decline was lower than pirimiphos-methyl selected.
  8. Conclusion The high insecticide resistant strain to cyhalothrin was selected with organophosphates, could decline resistant to cyhalothrin.
  9. Studies on the Effect of Different Coherer Counter-ions on Forming Rule and Stability of Cyhalothrin Microemulsion
  10. The Method of Screening Cyhalothrin Microemulsion and the Rule of Formation
  11. Determination of Cyhalothrin Pesticide Residue in Apple by GC-ECD
  12. Study on Toxicities of Cyhalothrin Against Houseflies and Its Influencing Factors
  13. Control Effect of the Mixture of Phoxim and Cyhalothrin 40 EC to Cotton Pest
  14. Compared with the year 2000, the resistance ratios of P.xylostella field population to cyhalothrin and abamectin were 7.4 and 4.3 in 2003, respectively.
  15. Comparison of Frequency of Kdr-type Resistance to Cyhalothrin in Cotton Bollworm from Xinjiang and North China
  16. The effects of cyhalothrin and fenpropathrin under different concentration significantly influenced life vigor and fecundity of Tetranychus urticae Koch, which was determined by pot-culture and leaf-plate method.
  17. The frequencies of alleles for kdr type resistance to cyhalothrin in field populations of Helicoverpa armigera collected from Xinjiang and North China were evaluated by single pair mating and hot probe method.
  18. Additionally two different kinds of high performance cyhalothrin microcapsule suspensions were developed; also their structures were characterized by SEM, and conducted a preliminary release of the product model fitting. Finally, their industrial production was studied.
  19. The test results show that azadirachtin can be a good alternative to lambda cyhalothrin EC ( the improper use of agents) in Daejeon is widely used, the effect equivalent.
  20. The main contents were as follows: 1. Selected polymer materials urea-formaldehyde resin adhesives and natural polymeric materials KGM/ XG as wall material respectively, high performance cyhalothrin pesticide microcapsule suspensions were prepared, and their various properties were compared. 2.
  21. A bacterium GF-3 capable of utilizing cyhalothrin as sole carbon source was isolated from activated sludge collected from the waste water-treating system of a pesticide manufacturer.
  22. From the types of pesticides, the detection ratio of cyhalothrin and cypermethrin was high, respectively reached 8.3% and 18.3%, chlorothalonil and fenvalerate were also detected out.
  23. Based on these solubilizers, naphthenic light oil A and B were used in the research of cyhalothrin pesticide microemulsion respectively with the method of ternary phase diagram and orthogonal analytic, and high efficient cyhalothrin microemulsion were obtained successfully.
  24. Researched and designed the production equipments and processing methods of microcapsules suspensions according to production of pesticide suspensions, combined with the actual needs of the production, the trial production of20% cyhalothrin microcapsule suspensions was carried out.