I found Ben's cynicism wearing at times. 我有时觉得本的愤世嫉俗令人厌烦。
This talk betrays a certain cynicism about free trade. 这番讲话流露出一种对自由贸易不看好的态度。
The boy could have felt sorry for himself and become depressed, or he could have adopted hardened cynicism as a defense. 这个男孩本有可能自怜自哀、抑郁消沉,也有可能采取冷酷的愤世嫉俗态度来保护自己。
He is cynicism incarnate. 他是愤世嫉俗的极端体现。
Tim seems to have escaped the cynicism which is the absolute plague of our generation. 蒂姆好像并没有染上我们这代人愤世嫉俗的通病。
A-type conflict often results in hostility, anger, resentment, distrust, cynicism, and apathy. A-型冲突经常导致的结果是:敌意、愤怒、怨恨、不信任、冷嘲热讽和冷漠。
The opposite of cynicism is optimism tinged with naivety. 而与愤世嫉俗相反的则是近乎天真的乐观派。
Active faith knows no fear, and it is a safeguard to me against cynicism and despair. 积极的信念是无畏的,它守护着我远离愤世嫉俗和绝望的境地。
Realism without idealism leads to cynicism. 没有理想主义的现实主义会导致愤世嫉俗。
Crowding breeds feelings of alienation, cynicism and anonymity. 拥挤会滋生异化、利己和匿名的感觉。
Hence the cynicism and distrust of managers and management. 随之而来的是对经理人员和管理的嘲讽和猜疑。
My cynicism could never shake his belief in basic human kindness. 我的冷嘲热讽永远也不会动摇他对于人性主要是仁慈的信仰。
My point is that it's those doubts and cynicism that keep most people poor and playing it safe. 我的观点是:顾虑和愤世嫉俗的心态使大多数人一直生活得贫困但很安全。
This cynicism has become hypocritical and criminal. 这种虚伪已经演变成了伪善和犯罪。
Michael I think there's cynicism and then there's realism. 我认为是先有了世故主义,然后有了现实主义。
Will she abandon her cynicism and embrace romance? 她会放弃她的玩世不恭而拥抱浪漫吗?
He's often been accused of cynicism in his attitude towards politics. 他经常因为对政治的讥诮态度而遭到谴责。
Who were these'most people'she talked of? Was I the man who would dispel her cynicism? 她所说的那些“多数人”指的是谁?我是那个能驱散她那份玩世不恭的男人吗?
The mood of political cynicism and despair deepened. 政治上的冷漠和绝望情绪加深了。
Three months on and I feel ashamed at my previous cynicism and prejudice. 三个月过去了,我为此前的偏见感到惭愧。
Soviet leaders did not encourage cynicism: they took themselves and their words seriously. 苏联领导人不鼓励愤世嫉俗:他们很看重自己的形象和言论。
People called him The Dog and called his philosophy Cynicism. 人们称他为狗,称他的哲学为犬儒主义。
I find his cynicism rather depressing. 我觉得他玩世不恭的态度很压抑。
Yet it would be a mistake to indulge in cynicism. 然而,沉迷于冷嘲热讽将是一个错误。
If you use cynicism as a defence you soon lose all sense of moral values. 你若是利用愤世嫉俗作为心理上的防卫手段,不久就会丧尽对道德准则的判断力。
Perhaps my cynicism is misplaced. 或许我的愤青精神用错了地方。
That dream has been shattered by a crisis brought about by financial excess and political cynicism. 金融上的肆意妄为和政治上的犬儒主义所导致的危机,给美国梦蒙上了阴影。
Cynicism and insularity had long been major barriers to my lasting peace. 长期以来,愤世嫉俗和偏狭保守是我的内心无法得到持久安宁的主要障碍。
And I said, how, in this age of cynicism can I convince people? 我想,如何在这个犬儒主义的时代,使人信服。
We can accept a politics that breeds division, and conflict, and cynicism. 我们可以接受的政治滋生司和冲突,玩世不恭。