Greek and Turkish Cypriots have removed a blockade that has separated them for half a century. 希腊裔和土耳其裔的塞浦路斯人拆除了将他们分离了半个世纪的路障。
A majority of Greek Cypriots followed his lead and voted against the plan in a referendum, but Turkish Cypriots voted in favor of it. 塞浦路斯的大多数希族人都支持帕帕佐普洛斯总统,在全民公投中投票反对这个和平计划,而塞浦路斯的土族人则投票赞成这个计划。
Whichever candidate wins, it is almost certain that he will try to kick-start some type of dialogue with the Turkish Cypriots and end the division on the island. 不论哪个候选人获胜,基本上可以肯定的是,当选人将试图和土族塞浦路斯人开始一些对话,并试图结束塞浦路斯岛的分治局面。
But the technicalities were brushed aside Thursday as both Greek and Turkish Cypriots savored the moment. 但是,在希腊裔和土耳其裔塞浦路斯人今天庆祝这一时刻的时候,这个技术性程序也被搁置在一边。
However, at this time the Cypriots are worried Weng said: "Oh, who knows this incident will not bring disasters to me?" 然而,这时的塞翁却忧心忡忡地说:“唉,谁知道这件事会不会给我带来灾祸呢?”
The Foreign Ministry was in touch with the Cypriots stranded at Cairo airport, and had advised them to stay there for their own safety, he added. 外交部正与滞留在开罗机场塞浦路斯人联系,并劝他们留下来为自己的安全在那里,他补充说。
On hearing this, good neighbors, rushed to the condolences, and Weng Cypriots are still put an old saying: "Who knows it will not bring good results?" 善良的邻居们闻讯后,赶紧前来慰问,而塞翁却还是那句老话:“谁知道它会不会带来好的结果呢?”
Some analysts believe the prospect of the Greek Cypriots taking over the six-month rotating EU presidency a year from now might act as an incentive to seal a deal. 有些分析人士认为,希腊族塞浦路斯一年后将担任为期六个月的欧盟轮值主席,这个因素可能会促使双方达成协议。
They added that more Cypriots who work in Libya expect to be evacuated. 他们还说,谁更塞在利比亚工作期望得到疏散。
In statements at Larnaka airport, the four Cypriots, who were working for a Cypriot company in Libya, said that all Cypriots in Libya are well and said their families should not worry. 在拉纳卡机场在报表,四塞,塞谁属一公司在利比亚工作时说,所有在利比亚塞人以及他们的家人,并表示不应该担心。
Egypt's Queen Cleopatra showed how to woo members of the opposite sex with it, the French may have perfected it, but it is the Cypriots who can now lay claim to the world's oldest perfumery. 法国人使它的制作技艺臻于完善;而现在塞浦路斯人可以自豪地说自己是世上最古老的香料作坊的主人。
Twenty-nine Cypriots were scheduled to return here aboard an Egypt Air jet, which at the time of going to press had not yet been cleared to take off from Cairo. 二十九个塞浦路斯人已决定返回一艘埃及航空公司飞机,这在走出去时按尚未清除,从开罗在这里下车。
Cypriots were braced yesterday for the introduction of strict controls on withdrawing and transferring money from their bank accounts. 塞浦路斯储户昨日准备迎接一系列严格控制银行账户提款和转账的措施。
Seventy per cent of Irish people suffering emotional problems seek help from their doctor compared to just 38 per cent of Cypriots. 遭遇情感问题的爱尔兰人向他们的医生求助,而塞浦路斯人仅有38%。
Do not Cypriots in the mouthful of food, a one eat slowly. 千万不要塞得满嘴的食物,慢慢一口一口吃。