The chain must fold on itself to allow these cysteines to be in close proximity. 这个链必然是弯曲折叠,而使这些半胱氨酸靠得很近。
It also indicates that whether cysteines should form disulfide bonds depends not only on the global structural features of proteins but also on the local sequence environment of proteins. 研究结果也表明总体氨基酸百分含量和半胱氨酸周围局部序列都携带有二硫键形成的相关信息,暗示了半胱氨酸是否形成二硫键不但取决于蛋白质全局的结构信息同时也受到局部序列信息的影响。
Amino acid sequence analysis showed that the predicted protein had a leader sequence composed of 21 amino acids, and four conserved cysteines allowing the formation of two intrachain disulfide bonds. 氨基酸序列分析表明,N端存在一长21个氨基酸的信号肽,含有形成2个链内二硫键的4个半胱氨酸。
Site-directed Mutagenesis of the Cysteines of Human IL-18 and Its Effect on IL-18 Activity 人白细胞介素18半胱氨酸的定点突变及其对活性的影响
Thr is a potential phosphorylation site for post-translational modify, the mutation of 861 Ile → Thr may undermine the disulfide bride formation ability of its adjacent cysteines, break tertiary structure of receptor protein and result in resistance. 861异亮氨酸→苏氨酸,苏氨酸残基提供潜在的新磷酸化位点,用于翻译后修饰,此位点突变会破坏它邻近的半胱氨酸残基形成二硫键能力,打破受体的三级结构,可能导致抗性产生。
HRI has 32 cysteine residues, all of the cysteines in hRI are present in the reduced form. The oxidation of these cysteine residues to form disulfide bonds is a rapid cooperative process that inactivates hRI. hRI含有32个半胱氨酸残基,在体内均以还原形式存在,在氧化条件下这些半胱氨酸之间会形成二硫键,二硫键的形成是迅速的协同过程,致使RI失去活性。
With site directed mutagenesis technique,α 99 and β 82 lysines were mutated to cysteines. 利用寡核苷酸介导的定点突变技术将α99、β82位的Lys突变为Cys。
All the Avr genes encode small molecular weight proteins with even numbers of cysteines, and their existence and variance are different in the virulent strains. 这些无毒基因编码含偶数个半胱氨酸的小分子量蛋白,在叶霉菌毒性菌株中的存在与否及存在方式各不相同。
It has eight conserved cysteines, even four of the conserved cysteine is the very conservative CXXC motif. ( 2) We use online software to predict its signal peptide sequence and structure. LeVKOR共有10个半胱氨酸残基,其8个是保守的半胱氨酸,而保守的半胱氨酸中有四个半胱氨酸以CXXC基序的形式存在。(2)利用在线软件预测LeVKOR的信号肽及高级结构。
CCCH-type zinc finger proteins are a large group among the zinc finger proteins. Genes of CCCH family encode zinc finger proteins containing the motif with three cysteines and one histidine residues. CCCH型锌指蛋白是锌指蛋白中的一大类,它包含一个或多个由三个半胱氨酸和一个组氨酸组成的,能与锌离子结合的基序。
The sequence contains four cysteine, of which the first two cysteines were separated by arginine, which formed CRC domain. The CXC domain was the characteristic of the chemotactic factor family. 该序列包含4个半胱氨酸残基,其中前2个半胱氨酸残基被1个精氨酸分开,形成CRC结构,与趋化性因子CXC家族的特征结构域特征吻合。
All ESTs were translated into protein sequences using software Emboss. According to the usual properties of animal toxins, the parameters of toxin filter were set for: ( 1) 4or more cysteines;( 2) contain signal peptide. 随后利用Emboss软件将所有EST翻译成氨基酸序列,根据动物毒素蛋白质的一般特点,设定毒素的筛选条件为:(1)具有4个或4个以上的半胱氨酸;(2)具有信号肽。
Two conserved domains were revealed in the full-length of the deduced amino acid sequence. One was the highly conserved catalytic domain at the N-terminus, and the other was chitin-binding type 2 domain at the C-terminus which contained six conserved cysteines. 由全长几丁质酶基因推导的氨基酸序列包含两个保守区域,一个是N-端的高度保守的几丁质催化区,另一个是C-端包括六个半胱氨酸的几丁质结合区。
Asp and Leu in the two positions were mutated to cysteines using site-directed mutagenesis technology. 利用定点突变技术将这两个位置的Asp和Leu分别突变为Cys。