Large amounts of cystine as well as arginine, lysine and ornithine are excreted in the wine. 从患者的尿中排出大量的胱氨酸、精氨酸、赖氨酸和鸣氨酸。
Determination of paracetamol, caffeine and aspirin in Aka-fen capsules by HPLC Large amounts of cystine as well as arginine, lysine and ornithine are excreted. HPLC法测定阿咖酚胶囊中对乙酰氨基酚、阿司匹林和咖啡因的含量大量的胱氨酸、精氨酸、赖氨酸和鸣氨酸被排出。
Content of Humic Acid in Compound Fertilizer of Humic Acid measured by Volumetric Method Large amounts of cystine as well as arginine, lysine and ornithine are excreted. 容量法测定腐植酸复肥中腐植酸含量大量的胱氨酸、精氨酸、赖氨酸和鸣氨酸被排出。
Determination of the strength and the biocompatibility of APA microcapsule membrane Large amounts of cystine as well as arginine, lysine and ornithine are excreted. 海藻酸盐-多聚赖氨酸-海藻酸盐微胶囊膜的强度和生物相容度测定大量的胱氨酸、精氨酸、赖氨酸和鸣氨酸被排出。
Optimum hydrolysis conditions are determined in the extraction of cystine from keratin. 实验确定了从角蛋白中提取胱氨酸的最佳水解终点。
The Effect of Oxidative Stress on Cell Proliferation Regulated by Glutamate/ Cystine Antiporter 谷氨酸/胱氨酸转运体调控细胞增殖的作用及氧化应激对其的影响
The protection of Rhein lysinate to vascular endothelial cells Large amounts of cystine as well as arginine, lysine and ornithine are excreted. 赖氨大黄酸对血管内皮细胞的保护作用大量的胱氨酸、精氨酸、赖氨酸和鸣氨酸被排出。
Effects of Dietary Energy Level and Lysine Level on Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Arbor Acres Broilers Large amount of cystine as well as arginine lysine and ornithine are excreted in the urine. 日粮代谢能和赖氨酸水平对肉鸡生长性能和屠宰性能的影响从患者的尿中排出大量的胱氨酸,精氨酸,赖氨酸和鸟氨酸。
The Effects of Branched-Chain Amino Acid Supplements on Physiological Function during Exercises Large amounts of cystine as well as arginine, lysine and ornithine are excreted. 运动中补充支链氨基酸对生理机能的有利效用大量的胱氨酸、精氨酸、赖氨酸和鸣氨酸被排出。
The Role of Cystine/ glutamate Transporter in Lipopolysaccharide Induced Glutamate Releasing in the Lungs and the Primary Investigation on Its Mechanism 胱氨酸/谷氨酸转运体在脂多糖促进肺内谷氨酸释放中的作用和机制的初步探讨
Post gravel pack acid job Large amount of cystine as well as arginine lysine and ornithine are excreted in the urine. 砾石充填后的酸化作业从患者的尿中排出大量的胱氨酸,精氨酸,赖氨酸和鸟氨酸。
Bakers yeast was modified by cystine and then cross-linked with glutaraldehyde, and the adsorption capability of modified biomass for direct blue in aqueous solution was studied. 用胱氨酸对面包酵母表面进行修饰制成生物吸附剂,以戊二醛为交联剂,研究了该吸附剂对直接蓝的吸附性能、特征及其影响因素。
A study on Determination of methionine and cystine in salt-rich food and feed 高盐食品饲料中蛋氨酸与胱氨酸测定方法研究
A Study On Making Cystine By Hydrolyzing Hair 毛发水解制取胱氨酸的研究
By this technology the recovery of cystine is 4. 8%. Its purity is over 99%. 在本工艺条件下,胱氨酸产品的收率为4.8%,纯度在99%以上;
Determination Of Cystine Content in the Hair Hydrolyzing Liquid 毛发水解液中胱氨酸含量测定方法的研究
Its first limiting amino acid was methionine plus cystine. 它的第一限制性氨基酸为蛋氨酸+胱氨酸。
HCl Recovery from Hydrolyzate of Cystine Preparation 人发制备胱氨酸水解液中回收HCl的工艺研究
Estimation Method of Extraction of Cystine from Human Hair with Colorimetric Analysis 从人发中提取胱氨酸的比色分析测定方法
The contents of cystine and methionine were decreased in lea-ves of S-deficient seedlings grown for 13 days. 测定培养13天的幼苗叶片中游离氨基酸表明,缺硫幼苗其蛋氨酸和胱氨酸的含量降低。
Preparation of cystine and composite amino acid 猪毛中胱氨酸的分离和复合氨基酸的制备
The fluorescence quenching of pyridoxal in NaOH solution by glycine, alanine, cysteine, cystine, glutathione ( reduced and oxidized forms) was investigated. 研究了NaOH水溶液中甘氨酸、丙氨酸、半胱氨酸、胱氨酸、还原型谷胱甘肽和氧化型谷胱甘肽对吡哆醛的荧光猝灭行为。
Significance of recovering ammonia chloride in cystine production, technological process, principle equipment and material selection were discussed. 阐述了L-胱氨酸生产中氯化铵副产物回收的意义,介绍了氯化铵回收的工艺流程及主体设备的设计与选材。
The effect of cystine on the activity of polyphenol oxidase from Nicotina Tobacco has been studied by using enzymatic activity assay and UV-VIS spectroscopy. 通过酶活性测定和紫外-可见光谱研究了胱氨酸对烟草多酚氧化酶(简称PPO)活性的影响。
The method and its conditions of extracting leucine and isoleucine, with di ( 2 ethylhexyl) phosphonic acid ( P204) as catalyst, from secondary mother liquor obtained from hydrolyzing animal hair in the process of producing cystine is investigated. 研究了用二(2-乙基己基)磷酸(P204)作萃取剂,从毛发水解生产胱氨酸的二次母液中提取亮氨酸和异亮氨酸的方法和条件。
The 7.9% yield of cystine has attained and the quality of product is also improved. 使胱氨酸的产率达到了7.9%,并提高了产品质量。
The glutamic acid were the highest in the mycelium and the fruiting body, followed by aspartic acid, and the contents of the cystine, the methionine were the least. 子实体和菌丝体中均是谷氨酸含量最高,其次是天冬氨酸,胱氨酸和蛋氨酸含量最少。
Primary structure of insulin contains two peptide chains, which connected with the two disulfide bonds with cystine. 胰岛素的一级结构中含有两条肽链,这两条肽链直接通过胱氨酸残基的二硫键相连。
System Xc-functions physiologically as an exchanger between intracellular glutamate and extracellular cystine. Xc-转运体在生理上是细胞内的谷氨酸和细胞外的胱氨酸转运体。