The protocol type specifies the Design Contract Management protocol ( DCMP) that is recommended to be adopted in the development cycle. 协议种类指定在开发周期中推荐采用的DesignContractManagement协议(DCMP)。
The study on allosteric cooperative kinetics of DCMP deaminase from human blood lymphocytes 人血液淋巴细胞脱氧胞嘧啶核苷酸脱氨酶的别构协同效应动力学研究
In order to decrease the precision requirement of constrained direction in DCMP algorithm, a correctional DCMP algorithm is discussed in the paper. 为了降低对DCMP算法约束方向的精度要求,提出了修正的DCMP算法。
Studies on kinetics of the inhibitory effect of damp on DCMP deaminase extracted from human blood lymphocytes dAMP对人血液淋巴细胞dCMP脱氨酶抑制作用的动力学研究
Based on the principles of the DCMP method and its cooperative co-evolutionary implementation, some practical techniques are developed to enhance its practical feasibility and value. 在DCMP方法基本原理和基于协同进化计算的算法实现基础上,针对实际系统的特点,发展基于DCMP方法的相关实用技术。
Once the C2-adduct of dCMP are produced, either a fatal gene mutation during DNA replication or DNA-DNA, DNA-protein cross-links, leading to more complicated damage of DNA, might occur. 反应中一旦形成了C2-位单羟基加合物,则极有可能在DNA复制过程中引起致命的基因突变,也可能诱发DNA-DNA以及DNA-蛋白质的链间交联,引起更复杂的损伤。
They can not take full advantage of the distributed cooperative robot system. A distributed cooperative motion planning ( DCMP) for autonomous multi-joint robot system is proposed in this paper. 本论文提出了一种多关节自治机器人协作系统的分布式协作运动规划方法。
The effectiveness, as well as its ability to work with the cooperative mission planning and under unreliable communication, are validated on a number of experiments. 最终通过实验验证DCMP方法的有效性、DCMP方法与协作任务规划器配合的能力、以及通讯不可靠情况下的工作能力。
The performance of DCMP method, especially the resistance capability to the communication interference, is analyzed. 对DCMP方法的性能,尤其是抗通讯干扰的能力,进行了分析研究。