They began to want their father to be the same as other daddies 他们开始希望他们的父亲能和别人的老爸一样。
His son wonders why not and he explains it is because their daddies have no money for them. 儿子又问为什么,父亲说:因为他们的爸爸没钱了。
We married successful men because they are our intellectual peers, not sugar daddies. 我们嫁给成功的男性,是因为他们和我们在智识上一拍即合,而不是傍大款。
We must take a stand against sugar daddies because they are destroying our children. 我们必须反对‘甜爹’,他们正在害我们的孩子们。
The films addressed issues such as getting tested, violence at home, sugar daddies, talking with your parents, and myths. 这些短片所涉及的内容包括身体检查、家庭暴力、“傍大款”、与父母交谈以及虚构故事等。
Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousins. 各位妈妈,爸爸,姐妹,兄弟,朋友还有亲戚。
Adoring daddies now expect a theatre complex worthy of the West End in which to see their child in the end of term production. 现在,可爱的父亲们期望一个配得上伦敦西区的影院综合体,他们可以在那里看孩子们的期末演出。
Nobody knows who your daddies are. 没有人知道你们的爸爸是谁。
She had a lot of sugar daddies in her life. 她一辈子有过很多干爹。
The parties have been hosted at swanky New York cocktail bars, where the 'daddies' discuss fees for future dates with the women who take their fancy – and its organisers are now seeking London venues. 派对曾在纽约时髦的鸡尾酒吧举办,“糖果老爹”在那里和他们喜欢的美女讲价。目前,活动组织者把目光投向了伦敦市场。
Settings in World of Warcraft include small towns and forts, but also six major cities ( and we're talking big daddies here) at various locations in the world of Azeroth. 《魔兽世界》中的建筑包括小城镇和堡垒,还有六座分布在艾泽拉斯世界不同地点的主城。
Sometimes Mommies and Daddies DO get back together again, later, after a time apart and some time for healing, but that happens because THEY found their own reasons to do so. 有时,爸爸妈妈分开一段时间,各自疗伤之后,他们确实又在一起生活了,但发生这种情况是因为他们找到了自己的理由去这样做。
It became a French Bestseller: all collaborating daddies seemed excused alongside the "yellow dwarf". 它成了法国的畅销书:所有通敌的父亲似乎都和“黄色小矮人”一起得到了宽恕。
Daddies and mummies, we love English! 爸爸妈妈,我们喜欢英语。
And they say there are already thousands of British 'sugar babies' waiting to meet 'daddies', according to the Daily Telegraph. 据《每日电讯报》报道,“排队候场”的英国“糖果宝贝”已达数千人。
Mommies and Daddies who break up are doing so because they are having some big problems in their relationship. 爸爸妈妈分开是因为他们的关系出了大问题。
White Eye Wolf: That's because we will hold a party for your "daddies". 白眼狼:是这样的,其实我们是要给你的爸爸们开个派对。
Girls in South China's Guangdong province will get a crash course on how to resist the sweet talk of "sugar daddies" when schools start teaching them about self-respect. 广东省的学校将针对女孩开设短期培训课程,培养女性的自尊意识,教女孩如何抵制“甜心老爹”的花言巧语。
Mommies and daddies fall in love, make babies. 爸爸妈妈相爱,生孩子。