In a community hole in Dakar, they held a meeting so called returnees. 在达喀尔的一个社区里,他们召开了一次所谓的回国者会议。
The resolutions were announced at the OIC summit held in Dakar, Senegal, this month ( 13 – 14 March). 这些决议是本月(3月13-14日)在塞内加尔首都达喀尔举行的OIC峰会上宣布的。
Was it a good decision to cancel 2008 Dakar Rally? 取消2008达喀尔集合是一个好决定吗?
The singer already owns a media group in the capital Dakar which is critical of the government. 这位歌手已经在首都达卡拥有了自己的音乐团体,主要是批评政府的。
Mine is a little bit hot over here in Dakar Senegal. 排雷是有点热了在塞内加尔达喀尔举行。
As orphans and refugees here in Senegal Dakar, we have a problem that only a sincere heart can solve for us. 作为孤儿和难民这里在塞内加尔达喀尔,我们有仅恳切的心脏可能为我们解决的一个问题。
We think the tape was made in either dakar, abidjan. 我们认为录音带录自达喀尔或是阿比让。
Dakar Declaration on Industrialization and Economic Integration in Africa 关于非洲工业化和经济一体化的达喀尔宣言
Turkish Airlines now has regular flights to Addis Ababa, Dakar, Johannesburg, Lagos and Nairobi. 目前,土耳其已经开通了飞往沙特阿拉伯、达喀尔、约翰内斯堡、拉各斯和内罗毕的航班。
On26 October a team from the WHO Regional Office for Africa, Intercountry Support Team and the Institute Pasteur Dakar arrived to support Cape Verde in investigating the outbreak. 10月26日,由世卫组织非洲区域办事处、国家间支持小组和达喀尔巴斯德研究所派遣的一个小组抵达佛得角协助调查疫情。
The cases have been laboratory confirmed by the Institut Pasteur, Dakar. 这些病例已得到达喀尔巴斯德研究所的实验室确认。
The case has been laboratory confirmed for Yellow fever by the Institut Pasteur, Dakar. 达喀尔市巴斯德研究所实验室确认了该起黄热病病例。
This chapter of accidents sealed the fate of the Franco British expedition to dakar. 这一段意外的事情决定了法英远征达喀尔的命运。
"If you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it well, and this is one key issue which was recognized by the countries themselves last September" during a meeting in Dakar, Senegal, she said. “如果你不能衡量它,你就不能很好地管理它。这是去年9月(在塞内加尔达卡举行的会议上)借款国自己认识到的一个重要问题,”她说。
Dakar Ministerial Conference on Desertification 荒漠化问题达喀尔部长级会议
The Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Senegal and, more recently, the University of Cape Town in South Africa have both followed this route. 塞内加尔达喀尔的CheikhAntaDiop大学和最近的南非开普敦大学都走了这条道路。
She will use the two-year fellowship to carry out her work at the Institute for Research and Development in Dakar, Senegal. 她将使用为期两年的奖学金在塞内加尔达喀尔的研究和发展研究所进行她的研究工作。
This particular case was found not to be confirmed by the Institut Pasteur de Dakar. 这一特定病例并没有得到达喀尔巴斯德研究所的确认。
How was your day?. My was little cold over here in Dakar Senegal. 今天怎么样?。我是这里有点冷在塞内加尔的达喀尔。
At the Dakar conference last week, we heard a strong appeal for donors to fight malaria with greater coordination and greater transparency. 在上周的达喀尔会议上,我们听到了强烈的呼声,要求捐资者在抗疟疾斗争中加强协调,提高透明度。
Dakar is most affected, due to the unusually heavy rains. 达喀尔由于异乎寻常的滂沱大雨受影响最严重。
Miss Dakar: The children you'll be teaching are street kids. They've had rough lives. 达卡:你要教的孩子都是流浪街头的小朋友。他们的命都不太好。
Miss Dakar: Let me tell you the ins and outs of our school. 达卡:让我来告诉你有关这间学校的一切。
The case was laboratory-confirmed by the Pasteur Institute in Dakar, Senegal. 该病例的实验室确认是在塞内加尔达喀尔巴斯德研究所完成的。
Health workers in Senegal are concentrated in specific urban centres, particularly Dakar. 塞内加尔的医疗工作者都集中在特定的城市中心,尤其是达喀尔。
I am from Northeastern Africa Sudan, now seeking for refugee in Dakar Senegal under the ( UNHCR). 我来自东北非洲的苏丹,现在寻求难民在达喀尔塞内加尔在事务高级专员办事处(UNHCR)。
It was announced on27 October by Farba Senghor, Senegal's minister of agriculture, rural hydraulics and food security in a meeting with a delegation of Brazilian biofuel experts in Dakar, Senegal. 10月27日,塞内加尔的农业、农村、水利和粮食安全部长FarbaSenghor在达喀尔与巴西的生物燃料专家代表团举行了会议,会议期间宣布了这项计划。
Michael: Thanks for letting me do this, Miss Dakar. 麦可:谢谢您让我做这份工作,达卡女士。
Mine, well I thank God for keeping me till this moment here in Dakar Senegal. 矿山,以及我感谢上帝让我在这里,直到这一刻在塞内加尔的达喀尔。
The proof is in the parking lot at the presidential palace in Dakar. 相关证据就在达喀尔总统府的停车场里。