Bud turned the truck around, and started back for Dalton Pond 巴德把卡车掉头,开始返回多尔顿池。
Investment bankers and the women who hate them, classmates from Steiner, Dalton and brown. 投资银行家、讨厌银行家的女人,从斯泰纳来的同学,道尔顿和布朗。
Dalton only deals with what's happening in the gas phase. 道尔顿只处理气相中的问题。
After primary school I went to the Dalton Lyceum, also in The Hague. 小学毕业后我去了多尔顿学府,也在海牙。
Just last fall there were some events in the world celebrating the bicentennial of Dalton's scientific achievements. 就在去年秋天,世界上还有一些活动,庆祝达尔顿科学成就,的二百年纪念日。
Dalton's law canbe expressed mathematically. 道尔顿定律可以用数学方法来表示。
Dalton's a bit of a rogue, it's true. 道尔顿有点欺诈行为,这是事实。
When Dalton McGuinty was elected Ontario's premier in2003, he embraced "whole-system reform". 当多尔顿-麦克基尔希于2003年被选为安大略省长时,他接受了“全盘改革”。
My name is Dalton russell. 我的名字是道顿罗素。
Dalton did a lot of work on vision. 道尔顿做了很多关于视觉的工作。
My paper is made in a closely guarded mill in Dalton, Massachusetts. 我的纸是在马萨诸塞州多尔顿一家戒备森严的工厂里制造的。
So the whole family that Dalton expose their natural assets. 所以,整个家族道尔顿揭露他们的自然资产。
We invoke Dalton's Law of molar proportions, we write it subject to conservation of mass. 我们援引了摩尔分数的道尔顿定律,要服从质量守恒定律。
I had been told that there would be cell phone service along the Dalton Highway, but that was not true. 我一直说,将手机服务沿道尔顿公路,但这是不正确的。
I know Dalton's law. 我知道道尔顿定律。
Jackie: Hello, welcome to the program, with me, Jackie Dalton. 大家好!欢迎收听BBC英语学习节目,我是JackieDalton。
People don't know Danny dalton, but they know the president of the United states “人们也许不认识丹尼道尔顿,但他们都认识美国总统”
He would make Bessie hide in one of these buildings and watch for Mr dalton's car. 他要让蓓西埋伏在一座这样的楼里,窥伺着道尔顿先生的汽车。
Timothy Dalton says, waving a red foam clown nose in Anthony Edwards'face early on in Hawks. 提摩西道尔顿说,挥舞着红色的泡沫小丑鼻子安东尼爱德华兹的脸早在老鹰队。
And one of the earliest was that of John Dalton. 最早期的解释之一来自约翰,道尔顿。
And it was only four months since the Yankees moved south from dalton! 而且,从北方佬离开多尔顿南下以来,才过了四个月!
John Dalton was an Englishman who proposed the following classification of the elements. 他是一个英国人,支持之后的元素分类法。
Most rental companies will not allow you to drive their cars on the Dalton. 大部分租赁公司不允许你租他们的车去道尔顿路上行驶。
Several times Mr. Dalton made as if to say something, then checked himself, as though uncertain. 有好几次道尔顿先生张口象要说话,随即控制自己,仿佛拿不定主意。
John Dalton also talked about other things. 约翰,道尔顿,也谈论了其他的事情。
So that's Dalton's law. I know Raoult's law. 这就是道尔顿定律,我知道Raoult定律。
John Dalton's science was very accurately weighing the elements. 约翰,道尔顿的科学,非常准确地评价衡量着元素。
"I'm willing to answer his questions if it will clear things up," Mr. Dalton said quietly. 我愿意回答他的问题,只要能把情况搞清楚,道尔顿先生安详地说。