Byzantine costume revealed both Greco-Roman and Oriental influence, combining Roman drapery with the gorgeousness of the East, in heavy silk, damasks, brocades and cloth of gold. 拜占庭风格同时体现了希腊罗马以及东方的影响,将罗马的悬垂服装与东方的厚质丝绸、花缎、锦缎及金丝织物的豪华结合在一起。
The ample skirts of the period were a showcase for the exquisite damasks now being produced in France. 此期间的宽大的裙子是精妙锦缎、花纹料子的陈列柜,现在由法国生产。
Fabrics are often velvets, damasks and needlepoints, and the most popular colors include eggplant, bottle-green and red. 布料通常是天鹅绒、花缎和织景画。最普遍的颜色是茄子色、深绿色和红色。