When you engage one region, it dampens the activity of the other. 当你调用其中一个区域的时候,便会抑制另外一个区域的活动。
His killing dampens hopes of starting peace negotiations with Taliban insurgents and also will hamper efforts to keep regional and ethnic rivalries, which feed the insurgency, in check. 此次刺杀事件将会令阿富汗与塔利班叛乱者开始和谈的希望暗淡,同时也会妨碍阿富汗为控制地区和民族纷争做出的努力。
Trying to artificially hold down prices has heavy costs for domestic producers, encourages consumption, and dampens energy production over time. 试图人为压低能源价格将令国内生产商付出沉重代价,同时会刺激能源消费,而在长期内抑制能源生产。
They have a lot of weasel language that softens and dampens safeguards, Mr. Rainey said. 雷尼说:提案中有很多狡猾的措辞,软化并削弱了保障性的条文。
Now, a new study suggests that the key is a tiny protein fragment called peptide YY3-36 ( PYY3-36), which dampens hunger in response to high levels of dietary protein. 研究发现了一种微小的蛋白质片段,名为YY3-36肽(PYY3-36)。这种肽可以对高水平的膳食蛋白做出反应从而抑制饥饿。
El Nino is a meteorological phenomenon that raises oceanic water temperatures, But at the same time it dampens down tornadoes And now like clouds like rain I ′ m drowning. 厄尔尼诺现象这一气象现象使大洋水温升高,但与此同时却抑制龙卷风的形成现在我迷失在象雾象雨又象风的爱里。
Prednisone, a steroid that dampens the immune system, is often the first line of treatment, Dryden said. 强的松是抑制免疫系统的类固醇药,它常是一线药。
The low field MRI fat suppresses the sequence, in the knee joint bone dampens the application 低场MRI脂肪抑制序列在膝关节骨挫伤中的应用
The virus carried a human gene which dampens down the nerve cells that become overactive in Parkinson's patients which as a result interferes with movement control. 此病毒携带一种能下调帕金森病人大脑中过度活跃的神经细胞活性的人类基因,从而改善病人的运动调控功能。
While the next lunar new year begins on January 26, workers have been trickling home earlier than normal as the global financial crisis dampens consumer demand abroad and export orders dry up. 下一个农历新年将于1月26日到来。由于全球金融危机降低了国外消费者需求,出口订单逐步缩减,工人们已经比平常更早一些就陆陆续续回家了。
Past studies have also indicated that meditation reduces stress hormone levels and dampens the sympathetic nervous system, which triggers the body's stress response. 过去的研究显示,冥想能够减少紧张性荷尔蒙水平,削弱引发人体发生紧张反应的交感神经系统。
Nothing ever dampens your spirits, does it, sam? 从没有什么东西可以影响你的心情,是吗,山姆?
The engine oil also absorbs the shock and dampens the noise of moving parts. 机油也吸收了震动和降低噪音的移动部件。
It opens your chest, eases the pressure on your lungs, and dampens the flames in those burning muscles. 因为这样可以把胸腔整个张开,减轻肺脏压力,使进行氧化燃烧的肌肉降温。
It dampens economic development and tears at the fabric of societies. 这种情况阻碍了经济发展,造成了社会结构的裂痕。
The outbreak of SARS dampens global optimism and the traditional national security concept, bringing to the limelight the heretofore neglected issue of human security. 一场严重急性呼吸综合症(SARS)颠覆了全球乐观主义与传统的国家安全观,凸显主流的社群开始关切以往被忽略的有关人类安全的问题。
One of the most serious problem in rural economy is the unstability of land-contracted relationship which dampens the enthusiasm of peasants in production greatly. 当前农村经济工作的最大问题是土地承包关系不稳定,严重挫伤了农民的生产积极性。
It is pointed out that the current teaching method fails to significantly improve students 'reading ability and dampens students' interest in English reading and English learning as a whole and thus the research done by the author is of great practical significance. 作者指出目前的教学方法不能有效提高学生的阅读能力,并打消了学生对英语阅读和英语学习的积极性,因此该研究具有很强的现实意义。
Literary critics find the form and structure of her poetry innovative, her irregular use of language even dampens the ardor of general readers who are usually confused by such unconventional experiment. 她的诗形式与结构新颖独特,甚至是怪异,她对语言超越常规的运用甚至困阻了读者的阅读。
Under this background, the information of national second-hand vehicle trade market is seriously asymmetrical, which not only dampens the enthusiasm of second-hand vehicle consumers but also impacts the sustainable, steady and rapid development of national second-hand vehicle trade market. 在这种背景环境下,使得我国的二手车市场存在着严重的信息不对称问题,不仅挫伤了二手车消费者的积极性,同时也影响了二手车市场持续、稳定、快速的发展。
Financial fraud of listed company is a serious problem which hinders the development of capital market 、 dampens the confidence of investors and causes significant damage to the interests of the investors. 上市公司财务舞弊是阻碍资本市场发展,挫伤投资者信心和损害投资者经济利益的重大问题。