Research on Personal Dangerousness from the Perspective of Criminal Integration 刑事一体化视野下的人身危险性研究
When we speak of black panthers, the others think of predatory animals. We, however, think of the untamed dangerousness of architecture. 当我们谈到黑色的美洲狮,其他人想到的是掠食动物,然而我们想到的是建筑中未被训服的危险。
The assessment mechanism of the personal dangerousness of juvenile criminals should include the assessment time, the assessment person, the measurement of assessment and the procedure of assessment. 未成年人人身危险性评估机制包括人身危险性的评估时间、实施主体、评估方法和评估程序。
Courts are concerned with public safety, therefore, the need for tools that assess future risk of dangerousness to others. 法院所关心的公共安全,所以需要工具,评估未来的风险,危险等。
The minor social investigation report is the important attribute of minor Crime person's personal dangerousness, which is also the important reference of trying the minor criminal case. 未成年人社会调查报告是未成年被告人人身危险性的重要表征,也是审理未成年人刑事案件的重要参考依据。
On the Assessment of Minors Accused's Personal Dangerousness& Take the Minor Social Investigation Report's Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation as an Angle of View 未成年被告人人身危险性的评估研究&以未成年人社会调查报告的模糊综合评价为视角
On Personality and Personal Dangerousness: A View from the Cases of Xu Ting and Liu Yong 从许霆案和刘涌案看人格与人身危险性
Correctly Fulfill the "Temper Justice with Mercy" Criminal Policy according to Personal Dangerousness& From the perspective of juvenile delinquency 从人身危险性出发正确贯彻宽严相济刑事政策&以未成年人犯罪为视角
The Introduction to the Study on the System of Conviction and Sentencing of Personal Dangerousness 人身危险性的定罪量刑制度研究导论
Attention to the environment, to prevent pollution and noise level, and considering the degree of the dangerousness to decorate their equipments. 注意环境保护、防止污染及噪声和考虑危险程度划分来布置设备。
A Research on the Relationship Between Male Criminals 'Personality, Social Support and the Personal Dangerousness 男性罪犯人格、社会支持和人身危险性关系的研究
New Concept of Justice Proposed& Impact of Dangerousness in the Judicial Area on the Concept of Traditional Justice 司法公正观新议&人身危险性进入司法领域对传统公正观念的冲击
Then the danger the two Personal Dangerousness and social aspects of the classification on; 然后,从人身危险性和社会危害性两个方面进行分类阐述;
On the other, it comprises actual damage and dangerousness of the person. 在横向方面,由客观实害性和人身危险性两部分组成。
The relationship between accident and system Dangerousness 论事故与系统危险性的关系
Second, along with the development of society and the application of modern scientific and technological achievements, not only danger sources but also the dangerousness of unpremeditated crimes is increasing greatly. 其二,随着社会的发展和现代科技成果的广泛应用,不仅致险源在激增,而且过失犯罪的危险性也大大增加了。
In this way, taking into account the behavior of social justice and utilitarian value, while taking into account the factor of dangerousness of criminals. 这样既考虑到了行为对社会的公正与功利价值,同时又兼顾了犯罪分子人身危险性这一因素。
The paper has made a specific assumption of application of the Personal Dangerousness on the process. 对于人身危险性在量刑过程中的具体适用,本文做了一个关于人身危险性具体适用过程的假设。
In the fields of criminal law, personal dangerousness refers to the possibility that a criminal re-commits crimes. 在刑法领域内,人身危险性的概念是指实施了严重危害社会行为的人再次实施严重危害社会行为的可能性。
In the conviction, we negate that personal dangerousness could be the hereunder. 在定罪方面,我们否认了人身危险性在这一过程中作为定罪依据存在。
Personal Dangerousness is an essential conception in modern criminal theory. 人身危险性是刑法理论中一个极为重要的范畴。
At first, this part introduces the history of the personal dangerousness from ancient school to neoteric school. 该部分主要介绍了人身危险性理论的历史溯源,从古典学派到近代学派的发展轨迹见证人身危险性最终登上刑事法治的历史舞台。
To define the concept of personal dangerousness accurately, we must define the realm of study. Only by defining the realm of study at first, can we hold correctly the extension and intention of the personal dangerousness. 要正确界定人身危险性的概念,必须确定研究的范围和目的,只有首先确定研究的领域,才能准确把握人身危险性的外延和内涵。
This part defines the conception of personal dangerousness in criminal law, and explained its historical evolution. 对刑法学中的人身危险性概念做了界定,阐述了人身危险性的提出和历史演变。
There is still neither authoritative definition nor consensus on personal dangerousness, when it comes to the academic circle. 目前,学界对人身危险性并没有一个权威的界定,犯罪学和刑法学的认识也不统一。
Then it analyzes the scope of application from the angle of the perpetrators, and the personal dangerousness of the perpetrators shall be considered from both objective and subjective aspect. 然后从作案人角度分析了刑事和解的适用范围,要从客观和主观两个方面综合考虑作案人的人身危险性。
Sentencing is an important part in the criminal law which contains personal dangerousness. 第三部分重点探讨了人身危险性对量刑的影响,量刑是我国刑事法律中的重要环节,其中包含了人身危险性的内容。
At the same time, in order to Clear the connotation and extension of the personal dangerousness, the papers distinguish it with other three concepts: subjective evil character, social harmfulness and personality. 同时为了能够更加明确人身危险性的外延和内涵,文中进一步将人身危险性与主观恶性、社会危害性、人格这三个容易混淆的概念作了区分。