In late two thousand ten, Darrell Stevenson began sending cows, bulls, horses and equipment to Russia. 2010年底,史蒂文森开始向俄罗斯运送母牛、公牛、马以及设备。
Darrell Stevenson is not the only American involved in projects to build a high-quality beef herd in Russia. 达雷尔史蒂文森是不是唯一的项目涉及到美国在俄罗斯建立一个高品质的牛肉牛群。
DARRELL STEVENSON ( 0:09):" We are helping establish a local beef herd, a regional beef herd, and eventually a national beef herd. " 史蒂文森:“我们正在帮助建立本地化、区域化乃至全国化的菜牛种群。”
Although Darrell did not change his bullying ways, Chad had proven his strong capabilities in dealing with the demands of the business of racing. 尽管达雷尔并没有改变他惯用的恐吓行径,但查德用他的实力战胜了赛车场上的黑暗交易。
A: Darrell, how could you let Nigel sell all his shares and leave the company? 甲:达内尔,你怎么让奈哲尔出售所有股份而离开公司?你说过他会是你的终身生意伙伴。
During the race, the angry Darrell ran Chad off the road and into a bridge. 比赛中,恼怒的达雷尔把查德从公路挤到了一座桥上。
Once his car was repaired, he called upon Darrell to race him in a one-on-one race, which Chad easily won. 赛车刚刚修好,他就邀请达雷尔进行一场一对一的车赛,结果查德轻松取胜。
Darrell offered Chad a bribe to lose his first race on purpose so that Darrell could claim first prize. 达雷尔向查德行贿,想让查德故意输掉第一轮比赛,这样他便能得到冠军。
Darrell Issa, the senior Republican member on the committee, accused Mr Bernanke of a "cover up" and of shutting out other regulators such as the securities and Exchange Commission. 监督委员会中的资深共和党人戴瑞尔埃萨(darrellissa)指责伯南克“隐瞒实情”,并将证券交易委员会(sec)等其它监管机构阻挡在外。
Darrell Issa, the Republican congressman who called the hearing, has asked the SEC to review the shareholder cap of 499 on private companies. 召集此次听证会的共和党议员达雷尔伊萨(darrellissa)已要求证交会重新审议对私人公司施加的股东不得超过499人的限制。
Obama said, alluding to House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa. 其实是暗指众议院监督委员会主席达雷尔伊萨。
You talk about Darrell a lot. 你说了很多关于达若的事。
Darrell: That's a great jacket. Is it cotton? 达仁:那是很棒的外套,是棉质的吗?
Darrell: Just remember though yesterday's hippies are today's millionaires. There's a lot of money in flower power. 达仁:要记得,昨日的嬉皮是今天的百万富翁,花儿力量可是很有钱的。
The body of faculty and students of a university. Darrell was a high school drop-out. 大学里全体教员和学生。
Darrell would drink beer with everything. 达雷尔吃什么都总是要喝啤酒。
Darrell: Yes, in November we're recording material for a new album in a London stadio. We're releasing the album in December. 是的,十一月份我们将在伦敦录些材料作新的纪念册,并在十二月份发行。
Darrell: Let me check the label. It says it's polyester. 达仁:让我看一下标签,这里说是聚脂纤维。
Mr Darrell A Jenks, di-rector of the American Center for Educational Exchange, and also a drummer in the jazz band Window, analyses the phenomenon for us here. 美国驻华使馆教育交流中心主任(也是《天窗》爵士乐队的鼓手)金大友先生为我们分析了这一现象。
Darrell: I think his style is cutting-edge. 达仁:我觉得他的风格领导潮流啊。
Darrell is a high school drop-out. 达里尔从中学退学了。
See? Now that is the kind of thing that would drive Darrell crazy. 看到了?这样的事情会把达雷尔气疯的。
It raises "serious questions about the commission's independence and impartiality," said Darrell Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee. 众议院监管委员会的共和党头目达雷尔•伊萨说,这一事件加重了人们对证交会的独立性与公平性的严重质疑。
We can learn to answer Brown's lies with the truth by reading books like Darrell Bock's Breaking the Da Vinci Code and Erwin Lutzer's The Da Vinci Deception. 我们可以读达瑞尔·博克的《破解达芬奇密码》及埃文·鲁泽的《达芬奇诡计》,用真相来回应布朗的谎言。
She worked last year on Darrell Stevenson's ranch in Montana to learn American methods. 去年她曾在美国蒙大拿州的学习方法对达雷尔斯蒂文森的牧场。
Containing Electra complex towards her father and Marsden, strong libido towards her lover Darrell, Jocasta complex towards her son, and life and death instincts, her powerful id leads her to repeatedly lose and regain happiness in her real life. 她对父亲和马斯登有恋父情结,对情人达雷尔有着很强烈的力比多,对儿子有恋子情节,还有自身的生死本能。如此强大的本我使她在现实生活中反复失去并得到幸福。