Some male darters do that by fanning water over the eggs, which also supplies the eggs with oxygen. 而一些雄性镖鲈是通过不断向卵扇动水流来进行清洁,这样还可以给卵供氧;
Feltail fishing nodes have been changed to Brackish Mixed Schools; they now produce mostly Golden Darters and some Feltail. “魔尾鱼群”被改为“混合海鱼群”,这种鱼群钓出的大多数是“金镖鱼”,少数是“魔尾鱼”。
Christmas darters look like swimming red-garlanded trees; 圣诞镖鲈看起来像由红色花枝装饰的游动的树;
Male lollypop darters have knobs along the top of their dorsal fin that swell large and bright yellow& presumably to mimic eggs and inspire females to lay some. 雄性小鳍镖鲈沿背鳍顶部生有膨大的明黄色小疙瘩,估计这是模仿卵的样子来诱导雌性产卵。