The viscoelastic model, which consists of spring and dashpot, has been widely used in geotechnical engineering as it has explicit physical and mechanical meaning. 黏弹性组合模型由于其概念简单,在岩土工程领域已经得到广泛的应用。
The dashpot displacement relaxes exponentially. 阻尼器位移按指数关系松弛。
In creep testing at low stress levels, strain of the dashpot has close relationship with creep strain because the spring constant does not decrease significantly at low stress levels. 在低应力水平下的蠕变试验中,由于弹性系数没有明显的下降,因而设定阻尼器的应变与蠕变应变相同。
Reference to the method that used to solute the first question, the dissertation do a lot in concrete scheme of TMD dashpot limiting vibration and in TMD parameters optimal design. 借鉴第一个问题解决方法和思路,本文研究了TMD减振器控制岸桥结构振动的具体方案和TMD的参数的优化设计。
Research in Impact of Clapping Gates with Oil Dashpot in Large Size Pumping Station 带有缓冲装置的大型拍门撞击力的研究陕北石油秩序
The model consists of an improved Bingham element ( a frictional element in parallel with a nonlinear dashpot) in series with a nonlinear spring element and a mass element. 该力学模型由改进的Bingham单元(库仑摩擦单元与非线性粘滞单元并联)、非线性弹簧单元和质量单元串联而成。
From the definition of fractional order derivative, the new idea that replacing the traditional Newton dashpot with Abel dashpot is proposed here. 从分数导数的定义出发,提出了在经典粘弹性模型理论中采用Abel粘壶取代传统牛顿粘壶的新观点。
One is the modified Bingham model which consists of Bingham model ( a frictional element in parallel with a dashpot) in series with a spring element. 一种称之为修正的Bingham模型,它由Bingham单元(库仑摩擦单元与粘滞单元并联)与弹簧单元串联组成。
The transonic nozzle flow is computed by solving the conservation and non-conservation governing equations with uniform integration step size in the full flowfield and local integration step size, and by the corrected dashpot method. 对守恒型和非守恒型方程采用全场统一时间步长、当地时间步长和修正超阻尼法进行了计算。
An Investigation on the Diesel Engine Fuel Injection System with Dashpot Delivery Valve 柴油机装有缓冲式出油阀的燃油喷射系统研究
The dynamic characteristic of the frame has been comprehended based on the Modal Analysis and Harmonic Response Analysis. And bring forward the method of the shock absorption to make use of the rubber dashpot. 在深入研究车架的模态分析及谐响应分析、清晰地认识了摩托车车架动态特性的基础上,分析并提出了采用橡胶减震器对车架进行隔振的减震方法。
The dynamic behaviour of the pile is presented as frequency response curves for displacement, stiffness, dashpot constant and damping ratio. 桩的动力特性用刚度、阻尼和位移的频率响应曲线来表达。
The manners, that is parallel or series connection, in which the dashpot is attached to Iwan model depend on the condition that the loads applied to the model are forces or deflections. 它和模型的连接方式,即取串联或并联的连接方式,决定于模型的荷载是力还是变位。
The characteristics of a dashpot attached to Iwan model are discussed with emphasis in this paper. 本文着重讨论了Iwan模型中附加阻尼元件的特性。
Firstly, a system made up of nonlinear springs, dashpot and mass is used to simulate the dynamic interaction between soil and geogrid, and the thin layer element is used to simulate the dynamic deformation behavior of the soil geogrid interface. 采用非线性弹簧-阻尼延迟器-质量块系统模拟土工格栅与土动力相互作用,薄单元模拟土工格栅与土接触面的动力变形特性。