FROM is an optional clause that provides the URI of the dataset to use. 作为前缀。FROM是一个可选的子句,它提供了将要使用的数据集的URI。
A while loop then iterates through the dataset, storing the information in a convenient array for later display. 然后,一个while循环迭代数据集,在一个方便的数组中存储信息以便将来进行显示。
Sorting the derived dataset can easily accelerate the overall operation by an order of magnitude or more. 对派生的数据集进行排序可以轻松地使整个操作加速一个或几个数量级。
This is where you specify what RDF predicate to use to extract this data item from the dataset. 在这里指定用于从数据集提取此数据项的RDF谓语。
This makes the migration of underlying data cleansing algorithms ( RuleSets) from one dataset to another difficult. 这使得将底层数据清理算法(RuleSet)从一个数据集迁移到另一个数据集变得很困难。
In our first section we discussed the idea of how to fit a distribution model to our dataset. 在第一部分中,我们讨论了怎样对数据集应用分布式模型的想法。
The Dataset Parameter Binding window shows the parameters for the data set. DatasetParameterBinding窗口中显示了数据集合的参数。
The sample application simulates a near-real-time dataset by using a data simulator. 样例应用程序通过使用一个数据模拟器来模拟一个近实时数据集。
Figure three below shows the histogram of our dataset. 下面的图3显示了数据集的直方图。
XAML C# code is generated and the dataset is initialized. 生成XAMLC代码并对数据集进行初始化。
Data in the dataset can be manipulated using and. 可以使用和操纵数据集中的数据。
Create a new dataset to hold the changes that have been made to the main dataset. 创建一个新数据集来保存对主数据集所做的更改。
Add this dataset to the designer. 将此数据集添加到设计器。
Item properties defined by the web service appear as fields for the dataset in the datasets window. 由web服务定义的项属性在“数据集”窗口中作为数据集的字段出现。
Cannot change the dataset name once the dataset is mapped to a loaded XML document. 只要数据集被映射到加载的xml文档中,就不能更改该数据集名称。
Then, you can save the dataset to XML file. Schema information is also saved. 然后你就可以把数据集保存到XML文件了,架构信息也会被保存的。
The dataset contains the tables and columns to work with in your form. 数据集包含要在您的窗体中使用的表和列。
The report must include a dataset that specifies a connection to the package. 报表必须包括指定了到包的连接的数据集。
For each column in the source table, specify the name of the corresponding column in the dataset table. 为源表中的每列指定数据集表中相应列的名称。
The name used to look up this relation in the Relations collection of a DataSet. 在数据集的关系集合中查找此关系时所用的名称。
The DataSet also depicts the primary keys of the two tables. 该数据集还描述了这两个表的主键。
A Relation named '{ 0}' already belongs to this DataSet. 名为{0}的关系已经属于此数据集。
Select at least one data adapter to generate the dataset. 至少选择一个数据适配器以生成数据集。
This is really cool if you want to update a dataset. 如果你想更新数据集的话,这个真的是很酷。
And it is generally not a good idea to manually modify the generated class file for a typed DataSet. 而且对类型化数据集来说,手动修改生成的类文件通常不是一个好主意。
This relation and child row don't belong to same DataSet. 此关系和子行不属于同一个数据集。
In order to cluster multi-density dataset, a clustering algorithm based on density-reachable for multi-density is proposed. 在基于密度和自适应密度可达聚类算法的基础上,提出了一种新的增量聚类算法。
The dataset might also contain another table with order information. 数据集也可能包含另一个含有订单信息的表。
Objective To study the application of virtual reality technology in digital human dataset. 目的研究虚拟现实技术在数字人体数据集上的应用。
Indicates the prefix of the namespace used for this DataSet. 指示用于此数据集的命名空间的前缀。