When you open a select or crosstab query in Datasheet view, you are actually executing the query. 当在“数据表”视图中打开选择或交叉表查询时,实际是在执行查询。
You can also add fields from a task pane, or you can open the table that underlies the datasheet and add a field in design view. 您还可以从任务窗格中添加字段,或者打开数据表下层的表,在设计视图中添加字段。
Double-click Datasheet View. A blank datasheet is displayed. 双击“数据表视图”选项,将显示一个空数据表。
This name will be used at the top of the field ′ s column in Datasheet view. 在数据表视图中,此名称将在字段列的顶部使用。
On the data tab of the property sheet, click the source object drop-down list, and then click the table or query that you want to display in the datasheet. 在属性表的“数据”选项卡上,单击“记录源”下拉列表,然后单击要在数据表中显示的表或查询。
Field selector: A small box or bar that you click to select an entire column in a datasheet. 字段选择器:一个小框或条,在数据表中,单击它即可选定整列。
Columns and rows appear with gridlines in Datasheet view? 是否在数据表视图下用网格线显示行及列?
From the fields available in related tables section, drag the first field that you want in your datasheet onto the form. 从“相关表中的可用字段”部分,将数据表中您需要的第一个字段拖动到窗体上。
Open a datasheet or form in browse mode. 在“导航”模式中打开数据表或窗体。
Note that manual processing in this context does not imply tedious data entry in datasheet or form view. 请注意,此处的手动处理并不表示要在“数据表”或“窗体”视图中进行繁琐的数据输入。
PivotTable view: A view that summarizes and analyzes data in a datasheet or form. 数据透视图视图:用于显示数据表或窗体中数据的图形分析的视图。
When you work with a table in Datasheet view, two categories appear in the field list pane: fields available in related tables, and Fields available in other tables. 在数据表视图中使用表时,“字段列表”窗格中会出现两个类别:“相关表中的可用字段”和“其他表中的可用字段”。
The final is the efficiency spec, mainly contained within the datasheet. 最后一个问题就是如何实现数据表规定的效率规格。
The type, operational requirements and maintenance shall be done as per the attached document and datasheet. 设备类型、操作要求及维护应符合随附文件和数据表。
Please login or register to view the full datasheet. 请登录或注册,以查看完整的数据表。
To insert the current date when entering data in Datasheet or Form view, press Ctrl+ Semicolon. 要在向数据表视图或窗体视图中输入数据时插入当前日期,请按Ctrl+分号。
Access runs the query and displays the result set in Datasheet view. access将运行该查询并在数据表视图中显示结果集。
However, you can hide fields and filter records by opening the linked table in Datasheet view after you have imported them into access. 不过,在将它们导入access后,可以通过在数据表视图中打开链接表来隐藏字段和筛选记录。
Open in Datasheet view the table that contains the quotation marks you want to find, or open the form bound to that table. 在数据表视图中,打开包含要查找的引号的表,或者打开绑定到该表的窗体。
In the form design grid, click where you want the datasheet to be inserted. 在窗体设计网格中,在要插入数据表的位置单击。
In Datasheet view, you can edit fields, add and delete data, and search for data. 在“数据表”视图中,可以编辑字段、添加和删除数据,以及搜索数据。
A Discussion on AutoSum of Omnipotence Numeric Fields in Database or Datasheet 数据库表的万能数字字段自动求和
For more information about using a total row, see the article display column totals in a datasheet. 有关使用总计行的详细信息,请参阅在数据表中显示列汇总一文。
What color are the grid lines in Datasheet view? 在数据表视图中,网格线用什么颜色?
When you add or remove a column from a datasheet, you add or remove a field from the table that underlies the datasheet. 当在数据表中添加或删除列时,会相应地在该数据表下层的表中添加或删除字段。
Click table to create a blank table in Datasheet view. 单击“表”在数据表视图中创建空白表。
The table opens in Datasheet view or the form opens in form view. 将在数据表视图中打开表,或在窗体视图中打开窗体。
Click the Categories table, and then click the Open button at the top of the Database window to open the table in Datasheet view. 单击类别表,然后单击数据库窗口顶部的打开按钮,在数据表视图中打开该表。
By default, all tables in Datasheet view now contain a blank column labeled add new field. 默认情况下,数据表视图中的所有表现在都包含一个标记为“添加新字段”的空白列。
Write datasheet to establish database at background. 后台采用创建数据表建立数据库。