So she and her daughters-in-law got ready to go back from the country of Moab, for news had come to her in the country of Moab that the Lord, in mercy for his people, had given them food. 他就与两个儿妇起身要从摩押地归回、因为他在摩押地、听见耶和华眷顾自己的百姓、赐粮食与他们。
With her two daughters-in-law she left the place where she had been living and set out on the road that would take them back to the land of Judah. 于是她从她所住的地方出发,两个儿媳妇和她同行;她们便走上了路、要回犹大地来。
Mothers-and daughters-in-law are supposed to be family, yet they don't know each other well. 婆婆和媳妇虽说理应是一家人,但双方并不怎么熟悉。
Daughters-in-law can do their part by keeping their mother-in-law involved in the family. 媳妇也可以发挥她们的作用,让婆婆参与到家庭中来。
From next week the mothers will have to live in a Big Brother-style house with their potential daughters-in-law, seeing first hand how they deal with household chores ( 6). 下周开始,妈妈们将与儿媳妇们一起住在一套《老大哥》样式的房子里,亲眼看媳妇们是如何家务琐事。
Many abductions involve infant or toddler girls being taken to serve as "child brides" sold to families desperate for daughters-in-law in a culture short of marriage-aged women. 在缺乏婚龄女性的中国社会,许多拐卖案件涉及女婴或幼小的女童,她们被卖给急于寻找儿媳妇的家庭充当“童养媳”。
Ai, the way daughters-in-law are nowadays, how can you still expect her to be filial? 唉,现在的媳妇,你还希望对你孝顺么?
In a large family daughters-in-law usually have to have small stomachs for food but big ones for frustration. 大家庭里做媳妇的女人平时吃饭的肚子要小,受气的肚子要大;
"Widowed daughters-in-law or sons-in-law who have made the predominant contributions in maintaining their parents-in-law shall, in relationship to their parents-in-law, be regarded as successors first in order." Col. 3:21 Fathers, do not vex your children, that they may not be disheartened. 丧偶儿媳对公、婆,丧偶女婿对岳父、岳母,尽了主要赡养义务的,作为第一顺序继承人。西三21作父亲的,不要惹你们儿女的气,免得他们灰心丧志。
Daughters-in-law assume that as a fellow woman, their mother-in-law will be their ally when they disagree with their husband. 媳妇们觉得,同为女性,她们的婆婆们将是她们的盟友,当她们与丈夫们有分歧的时候。
Aesthetic Analysis of Mothers-in-law& Daughters-in-law Images in Modern Chinese Literature Classics 中国现代文学作品中婆媳形象的审美分析
Nearly two-thirds of daughters-in-law accused their husband's mother of'unreasonably jealous maternal love '. 调查显示,近三分之二的儿媳称她们的婆婆“溺爱儿子,常常吃醋”。
They also have sons and daughters-in-law and grandchildren living together with them. 冯家还有老爷、太太、孙少爷。
Path son early clearly once expressed real motives, 2 youth daughters-in-law also once the personally once acknowledged to look for a pleasant marriage for her again in the days to come. 小路子早就清楚的表明过心迹,二少奶奶也曾亲口允过日后再给她寻一个合意的亲事。
The labor shift bring up positive affect such as the showing of the aged offer and the releasing of the relation between mothers and daughters-in-law, but the negative influences play a main role. 尽管劳动力转移带来老人贡献的昭显以及婆媳矛盾缓解等积极作用,但其破坏农村家庭照料与精神慰藉功能的负面影响却是主要的。
Observed from the sociological angle, the mothers and daughters-in-law's conflicts result from their understanding deviation of each other's role, scramble for benefit and authority improper interactions and as well as social and historical reasons. 从社会学角度看,婆媳冲突是由于婆媳双方对对方角色理解的偏差,利益、权力的争夺,婆婆、儿子、媳妇三者的互动不良,社会历史的原因造成的。
Large numbers of chaste widow and worthy daughters-in-law appeared in thee reords of Shanxi province in Qing Dynasty. 清代山西节孝妇女众多,这与重商风尚存在着相当密切的关系。
Conflicts between Mothers and Daughters-in-Law: Patriarchy in Essence& Masculine Authority and Patriarchal Will of Modern Family in Qitai Yangge Opera ON THE FEMALE IMAGES IN THE FILMS DIRECTED BY XIE JIN 婆媳冲突:内隐的男权世界从祁太秧歌婆媳冲突型剧目中看近代家庭的男性权威和长者意者男性权威话语情境下的女性被述论谢晋影片中的女性形象
The conflict between mothers and daughters-in-law in "two generations families" is the most basic ethical dispute in local society. 两代家庭中的婆媳冲突是乡土社会最基本也最深入的伦理纠葛。
The linguistic characteristics in the talks between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law in Chinese context in two periods, that is, the feudal society and the modern society, are compared to show the changes of the linguistic characteristics with the development of times. 本文将两个不同阶段汉语语境下的婆媳间言语特点进行对比研究,即封建时期与当代社会,以展示随着时代发展婆媳言语特点随之发生的变化。
The relationship between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law is one of the most important family relations in China. 在中国婆媳关系是所有家庭关系中最重要的家庭关系之一。
As the politically disadvantaged minority, outside daughters-in-law have the sense of comparative deprivation. But they are good at exploiting usable resources to maintain self values. 2. 论文得出以下结论:第一、外来媳群体虽然是政策上的弱势群体,具有相对剥夺感;但她们善于挖掘可利用资源,努力维持自我价值。
The Satir Model can intervene in outside daughters-in-law families. And the degree of the self-esteem and confidence in these females by The Satir Therapy is higher than by just communicating with family members. 3. 第二、萨提亚模式对外来媳个人及家庭都具有干预作用,其中外来媳个人自尊自信的提升程度高于家庭成员沟通的改善。
The conflict between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law in ancient times was often considered as the moral confrontation, which simplifies the complicated causes. 古代的婆媳冲突多处理成好人与坏人的道德对抗,将复杂的原因简单化。