John Heitmann is a history professor at the University of Dayton in Ohio and vice president of the Society for Automotive Historians. JohnHeitmann是俄亥俄州代顿大学历史学教授和汽车历史学家协会副会长。
As a freshman at the University of Dayton in Ohio, I was eager to make a good impression on my new roommate. 作为俄亥俄州代顿大学的一名新生,我急于给我的新宿舍同伴留个好印象。
But, in the rice-growing area of Dayton, Texas, high costs could limit their margins. 但是,在美国德克萨斯州代顿市的大米种植区,高昂的成本可能会限制农民获利。
Paul McGreal, dean of the University of Dayton law school in Ohio, says California did not see gaming that way. 美国俄亥俄州戴顿大学法学院院长保罗·麦格雷尔(PaulMcGreal)表示,加州并不这么看待游戏。
When she returned to our house in "The Ghetto" of the University of Dayton, she told us of the floods and how her powder blue Beretta had been destroyed. 当她回到我们在代顿大学的“贫民窟”时,她给我们讲了关于洪水的事,以及她在洪水中毁坏的粉蓝色贝里塔车。
Graduation from law school in Dayton, Ohio, led him back to Nashville, where he started to secure record deals for artists alongside his work as a lawyer. 从俄亥俄州戴顿大学(dayton)法学院毕业后,莱维坦回到了纳什维尔,在那里开始拿到艺人的唱片合约,同时做律师工作。
They tested them in a cow pasture near dayton. 他们的试验地选在代顿附近的一个奶牛场。
Then in Dayton, in 1903, the Wright brothers built an airplane with a motor and two propellers. 1903年,莱特兄弟在代顿制造了一架带一个发动机和两个螺旋桨的飞机。
After the lingering taste of wood notes and musk vetiver, Dayton add beans, amber being, leaving a little warm. 后味木质调与麝香徘徊香根草、顿加豆、琥珀之中,留下些许温暖。
Specialty in Qinghai Huang plump fresh fish served with pepper, then Dayton except smell, flavor doubling; 在肥美鲜嫩的青海特产湟鱼中佐以椒粉,则腥味顿除,鲜味倍增;
The idea of using ultrasound as a contraceptive comes from James Tsuruta and Paul Dayton of the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, who have shown it to work in rats. 运用超声作为避孕药的想法来自于北卡罗莱那大学教堂山分校的JamesTsuruta与PaulDayton。两人业已显示这一方法在大白鼠实验中获得成功。
Even though he lives in Dayton, Ohio, and me in Lansing, Michigan, we are still together. 虽然他住在美国俄亥俄州戴顿市,我在密歇根州的兰辛市,我们仍然在一起。
His younger brother, Orville, was born four years later in Dayton, Ohio on August 17, 1871. 4年后他的弟弟奥维尔于1871年8月17日出生于俄亥俄州的代顿。
Reflectors Softboxes containing multiple particles can effectively cover Heiwenjuan eye swelling and modified so that Dayton was bright eyes of God. 含有多种柔光微粒,能有效遮盖黑眼圈并修饰眼部浮肿,使眼部顿显明亮有神。
Dayton Agreement on implementing the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 关于实现波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那联邦的代顿协定
A few weeks before I had been an unknown schoolteacher in Dayton, a little town in the mountains of Tennessee. 几个星期以前,我还只是田纳西州山区小城镇戴顿的一个默默无闻的教师。
Endoscopic Microwave Treatment of the Joint Drug Machine in Front of Ben Gastrolith of Embedded Value of Dayton 内镜下微波联合药物机械治疗贲门口嵌顿性胃石的价值
Clausing and Dayton discussed the gas flow patterns at the exit and entrance of cylindrical tubes while assuming a zero pressure at the tube exit. Clausing和Dayton在假设管道出口压力为零条件下,讨论了圆管出口和入口处的气流分布情况。
Results of the study are in line with the works by Dayton and Ishii. 基本上与Dayton和石井博的研究结果一致。
Rhythm than half of Chinese poetry by "Dayton". 中国诗歌的节奏大半靠顿。