Networks, device for pre-emphasis of higher frequencies. Right-click for de-emphasis of higher freq., compressor, or expander. 网络,用于预加重高次频率的设备。右击指定去加重高频、压缩器或扩展器。
Networks. Emphasis or de-emphasis of higher frequencies, compressor, or expander can be specified. 网络。可指定对高次频率加重或去加重、压缩器或扩展器。
A discussion about the problem of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in FM broadcast system 调频广播中预加重和去加重问题的讨论
Another major emphasis with Agile Software Development is on face-to-face interaction and a de-emphasis on documentation. 另外一个关于敏捷制造的重点是面对面的交流和弱化文档交流。