The tale of two estranged sister princesses who must come together to de-ice their homeland, frozen is racking up the big numbers. 《冰雪奇缘》讲述了两位疏远的公主两姐妹历经艰辛团聚在一起,最终为她们的家园解除冰封的故事。
We have a tail rotor de-ice caution light. 我们的机尾结冰警示灯报警。
On frosty mornings it can take me ten minutes to de-ice my car. 霜冻的早晨,我要花十分钟除去汽车上的冰。
My conviction that I came in the wrong month this time was reinforced on Monday evening when my plane sat on the ground for four hours as staff tried to de-ice the wings. 我相信自己这次来错了月份,这种想法在周一晚上再次得到强化,当时,由于工作人员要为机翅膀除冰,我乘坐的飞机在机场停了四个小时之久。
One of the methods is attracted as it employs the magnetic material of low Curie point which is in response to the temperature change and thus able to de-ice automatically. 其中,低居里点铁磁材料因其具有随温度变化自动实现防冰的特点,引起了广泛的关注。