At this stage, the inflation problem is not yet large enough to significantly shake confidence in emerging markets and cause a de-rating of these markets, but the risks are rising. 现阶段,通胀问题还没有大到足以显著动摇新兴市场的信心并导致这些市场的评级降低,但其风险却也正在增加。
In the last two months most economists have been de-rating global economic forecasts. 艾博年表示:在过去两个月,大多数经济学家一直在降低全球经济预期。
These notes contain some guidelines about the control of moisture sensitive device and the moisture floor life de-rating after opening the dry pack for some time. The re-baking conditions are also provided as reference. 内容包括器件的潮敏控制及干燥包装袋暴露后器件潮敏寿命的再定级,提供了器件的再烘烤参考条件。