
英 [ˈdiːkənz] 美 [ˈdikənz]

n.  (罗马天主教、圣公会和东正教会的)执事,会吏; (某些不信奉英国国教的教会中协助管理教会事务的)助祭


  1. (英国国教会等的)会吏;助祭;辅祭
    A deacon is a member of the clergy, for example in the Church of England, who is lower in rank than a priest.
    1. (某些基督教新教教会的)执事
      A deacon is a person who is not ordained but who assists the minister in some Protestant churches.


      1. Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;
      2. Deacons considered as a group.
      3. The church building plan has been unanimously passed by the building committee and the deacons board on june;
      4. Those seven deacons some of them have& they have Greek names, so there are Greek speaking Jews in Jerusalem already.
      5. So he's imitating Roman official legal and political government structures by having regional bishops presiding over a plurality of priests who then are also over a plurality of deacons.
      6. I remind priests, deacons and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion to practice good hygiene.
      7. What makes it really odd is that he equates Jesus, the Father, and Apostles with deacons, bishop, and clergy.
      8. Will enhance the quality of Deacons through Ministers Post Systematic Seminar.
      9. 12 deacons must be husbands of one wife, managing their children and their own houses well.
      10. The women in3:11& some exegetes would say this shows that this author does allow at least women to be deacons, deaconesses, and they have certain kinds of roles.
      11. Phillip, who was one of those deacons along with Stephen, Phillip, that's a good Greek name right?
      12. Here he sets out the clearest statement in the New Testament on the qualifications of elders ( or overseers) and deacons.
      13. Those who serve well as deacons will win honorable rank, with authority to speak of Christian faith.
      14. Our Church is a nondenominational evangelical church ministered by pastor and deacons.
      15. Good News: Your deacons want to send you to the Holy Land.
      16. We saw presbyters and deacons, and bishops in a certain sense, in the Pastoral Epistles, but they weren't carefully formed into a three-tiered institution of offices.
      17. This topic outlines the importance and role of deacons in a church; including the spiritual qualifications, and what a Christian should do if called upon by God to fill this role.
      18. Pray that during the first Deacon Board meeting, God will grant the five newly elected deacons wisdom, vision and insights on leading the church.
      19. All of these people, whether you're from bishops, presbyters, deacons, they all are required to be married and all are required to have children.
      20. Pray for all the North America churches whose is looking for the pastor, also pray for twin cities new pastor Daniel Wu and his family and their deacons board.
      21. The seven deacons are appointed.
      22. A chapel endowed for singing Masses for the soul of the donor. The bishops, priests and deacons processed into the cathedral.
      23. In other words, is he allowing women to be deacons on their own, or is it supposed to be taken to be just the wives of the male deacons?
      24. My lips certainly will not speak unjustly, Nor will my tongue mutter deceit. Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain.