ADJ-GRADED 聋的;失聪的 Someone who is deaf is unable to hear anything or is unable to hear very well.
She is now profoundly deaf. 她现在已经严重失聪了。
The deaf are people who are deaf. (总称)耳聋者
Many regular TV programs are captioned for the deaf. 许多常规的电视节目都为耳聋者配了字幕。
ADJ 对…充耳不闻的;不愿听…的 If you say that someone is deaf to people's requests, arguments, or criticisms, you are criticizing them because they refuse to pay attention to them.
The provincial assembly were deaf to all pleas for financial help. 省议会对所有的经济救助请求都充耳不闻。
As people age, accumulated exposure to noise and other factors may lead to deafness or hearing impairment. 随着年龄的增长,长期接触噪音或其他因素,久而久之就可能导致耳聋或听力障碍。
The often ( nearly) white animals can suffer from blindness, deafness and/ or be sterile. 几乎这类的白色动物都会是耳聋和眼肓或者不育。
Objective To carry on psycho-analysis and health education in patients with sudden deafness. 目的对40例突聋患者进行心理分析和健康教育。
Objective To observe the influence of Xuesaitong injection on curative effect of sudden deafness and hemorrheological parameters. 目的观察血塞通对突发性耳聋的疗效及血液流变学指标的影响。
Stefan Heller's dream is to someday find a cure for deafness. 斯特凡海勒的梦想是有朝一日找到一种治愈耳聋的方法。
Objective: To summarize the sudden deafness patient's clinical care. 目的:总结突发性耳聋病人的临床护理。
Purpose: To produce aural/ psychological disturbances and partial deafness. 目的:以生产听觉/心理干扰和部分聋。
Deafness is a serious limitation in this job. 做这个工作耳聋是个严重缺陷。
CONCLUSION: Alprostadil injection is an effective drug for sudden deafness. 结论:前列地尔是治疗突发性耳聋的有效药物。
Conclusion Superselective local intra-arterial administration may be an effective way sudden deafness of vascular. 结论超选择局部动脉内给药可能是治疗血管性突发性耳聋的有效方法。
According to types of deafness can be divided into conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. 根据类型又可分为传导性耳聋和感音神经性耳聋。
Helen Keller's deafness and blindness were not congenital defects but were acquired after birth. 海伦·凯勒的聋与盲不是先天的缺陷,而是后天造成的。
Conclusion Mixed deafness and sensorineural hearing loss caused by big perforation of tympanic membrane are sensitive on ABR. 结论ABR对鼓膜大穿孔所致的混合性聋或感音神经性聋表现灵敏。
Expert says, cochlear implant is the only effective way to treat both congenital and acquired severe deafness. 专家表示,植入人工耳蜗是目前治疗先天性和后天性重度耳聋的唯一有效方法。
His deafness shut him off from the lives of others. 他耳聋阻碍了他与别人的交往。
Heller's vision is to develop a variety of possible cures for deafness. 海勒的设想是发展多种可能医治耳聋方法。
Conclusion: patients with sudden deafness hearing care to patients and improve the response is very important. 结论:加强突发性耳聋病人的护理对病人听力的回复与改善非常重要。
Half of all cases of deafness and hearing impairment are avoidable through prevention, early diagnoses and management. 在所有耳聋和听力障碍病例中,一半的病例可以通过预防、早期诊断和管理得以避免。
Bell established a fund for the study of deafness. 贝尔为耳聋研究事业设立了基金。
He affected deafness to ignore his wife's nagging. 他装聋作哑,不理睬他妻子的唠叨。
Perhaps the most common cause of nerve deafness is presbycusis. 也许神经性耳聋最常见的原因是青年性耳聋。
Deafness can be inherited. 耳聋是可以遗传的。
There were no observed correlations between duration of deafness and any of the variables listed above. 而且,耳聋持续的时间和以上列出的变量中的任意一个均未观察到相互关联性。
Permanent deafness may develop in patients with impaired renal function. 永久失聪的可能发展,患者肾功能受损。
Objective: Deafness is one of the main problems affecting the living quality of people. 目的耳聋是影响人类生活质量最主要的问题之一。
Besides endangering lives, they also cause burst eardrums, tinnitus and in some cases total deafness. 除了会危及人的生命,也会造成鼓膜破裂、耳鸣,在某些情况下会完全失聪。
The work also highlights the importance of basic hearing research in studies into the causes of deafness. 研究同时强调了听力的基础研究在探讨耳聋病因方面的重要性。
The prime symptoms of disorders of the inner ear are deafness, vertigo, and tinnitus. 内耳疾病的主要症状是耳聋、眩晕和耳鸣。