Application of Alkali-Injection Deammoniation Technology in Wastewater Stripper 注碱脱铵技术在污水汽提装置的应用
The rate of denitrifying and deammoniation is more than 60%, and the rate of reduction of COD is more than 70%. The water after treatment can be used for extinction of coke and coal washing. 氨氮去除率大于60%,COD去除率大于70%,处理后的回用水水质符合工艺要求,用作熄焦及洗煤补充水。
The whole process could be divided into three steps of synthesis, decomposition and deammoniation. 整个过程包括合成、分解和脱铵三个步骤;
A laboratory experiment is conducted on the gas water from coal gasification in the Model Mark-ⅳ Lurgi gasifier by addition of alkali for deammoniation, and the optimal quantity of alkali added and the optimal pH value are determined in deammoniation. 通过对采用Mark-IV型鲁奇炉煤造气所产生的煤气水进行加碱脱氨实验室研究,确定了脱氨时的最佳加碱量和最佳pH值。