Deanna Scott of White Rock, Surrey in British Columbia is one of the people listening to Mallett's presentation. 英国哥伦比亚的萨里郡白石镇的迪安娜`斯科特是听取马尔特呈述词之一的人。
Deanna Lowery's stomach was filled with butterflies.The31-year-old Annapolis stay-at-home wife and mother had spent Saturday getting ready for her big night. 迪恩娜·罗威瑞的肚子由于紧张而充满了恶心感,这位住在安纳波利斯的31岁的家庭主妇兼母亲在星期六为了她盛大的夜晚而精心准备着。
Deanna: Lara's in her playpen in the garden. Come on through. 迪恩娜:拉腊在花园,在她的游戏棚里。来,这里来。
My wife accuses me of thinking this only because Deanna attends a Catholic college. 我的妻子总是指责说我以为蒂娜有出息不过是因为她上了天主教学院而已。
After handshakes and hugs from all around, I found my other daughter, Deanna, peering up at me. 跟周围的人握手拥抱后,我发现我的另一个女儿蒂娜正窥视着我。
"I can sense emotions," Deanna admitted, with a trace of self-consciousness. “我可以感觉到你的情绪,”狄娜承认说,脸上露出一丝自惭形秽的神色。
"Of course," Deanna replied evenly," but I thought you might want to discuss what's troubling you." “当然,”狄娜平静地答道。“但是我想你可能想和我谈谈,究竟是什么事情困扰着你?”
I've always considered Deanna to be the successful daughter. 我总是认为蒂娜是个成功的女儿。