at death's door
- (因病重)生命危在旦夕;病危
so ill/sick that you may die
be the death of sb
- 让某人担心得要命;使某人深感不安
to worry or upset sb very much
- Those kids will be the death of me.
do sth to death
- 做烦了;看腻了;听厌了
to do or perform sth so often that people become tired of seeing or hearing it
- That joke's been done to death.
frighten/scare sb to death
- 把某人吓得要命
to frighten sb very much
look/feel like death warmed up
- 看起来病得厉害(或疲惫不堪);感到很不舒服(或累得要命)
to look or feel very ill/sick or tired
put sb to death
- 处死;处决
to kill sb as a punishment
- The prisoner will be put to death at dawn.
to death
- 极度;非常
extremely; very much
- to be bored to death
腻烦得要命 - I'm sick to death of your endless criticism.
to the death
- 至死;到底;永远
until sb is dead
- a fight to the death
catch your death (of cold)
- 患重感冒
to catch a very bad cold
cheat death
- 死里逃生;幸免于难
to survive in a situation where you could have died
dice with death
- 冒生命危险;玩命
to risk your life by doing sth that you know is dangerous
die a/the death
- 彻底失败;完全消失
to fail completely
- The play got terrible reviews and quickly died a death.
a fate worse than death
- (可能发生的)极可怕的事
a terrible thing that could happen
fight to the death/finish
- 打到有一方倒下;一决雌雄
to fight until one of the two people or groups is dead, or until one person or group defeats the other
flog sth to death
- 多次重复(想法、故事等)而使人失去兴趣
to use an idea, a story, etc. so often that it is no longer interesting
hang/hold on for/like grim death
- (害怕得)死死抓住不放,紧紧抓住不松手
to hold sb/sth very tightly because you are afraid
the kiss of death
- 貌似有利却肯定会在别处导致失利的事物;表面有利实则有害的事物
an event that seems good, but is certain to make sth else fail
life after death
- 死后再生
the possibility or belief that people continue to exist in some form after they die
a matter of life and death
- 生死攸关的事;成败的关键
used to describe a situation that is very important or serious