I admit: I was startled last week when I saw the first photos of Michelle Obama debarking in Japan at the beginning of her five-day Asian tour to promote the Let Girls Learn education campaign. 上周,米歇尔·奥巴马(MichelleObama)到达日本,开始为期五天的亚洲之行,推广让女孩学习(LetGirlsLearn)教育计划。我承认:看到她到日本的第一波照片时,我惊呆了。
Debarking stripping bark from logs prior ro their being pulped. 制浆前,把树区性剥去树皮上的操作。
Debarking of Whole-Tree Chips 全树木片之剥皮
Finding an efficient methods is very significant of the carrier aircraft debarking and landing, the ship habitability, navigation and safety. 如果能够找到有效的减纵摇方法,对于舰载飞机起降、船舶的适居性和航行性及安全性等都是十分有意义的。
The first section introduced ecological harvesting measures, such as cutting system and skidding system, regeneration methods, stump debarking, slash disposal etc. 第一章讲述了生态环境措施,分别介绍了采伐方式、集材方式、更新方式、更新跟上采伐、伐根剥皮、伐后清理等;