Ultrasonic detection of debond in a multi-layer adhesive structure by homomorphic deconvolution 层状粘接结构超声检测信号的同态解卷积脱粘界面定征
Factors influence propagation of debond in burning propellant 燃烧条件下影响推进剂脱粘面扩展的因素
The insulation layer, artificial debond layer and propellant grain in solid rocket motor chamber ( SRM) are all polymer composite systems. 固体火箭发动机燃烧室内绝热层、人工脱黏层及推进剂药柱,均为高分子材料复合体系。
Interface debond between propellant and liner is a key form of failure of the structure integrity in the analysis of solid rocket motor. 在固体火箭发动机结构完整性分析中,衬层/推进剂药柱粘接界面的脱粘是完整性被破坏的关键形式之一。
Research on Ultrasonic Debond Testing Based on Phased Array Technology 基于相控阵超声脱粘检测系统研究
Ultrasonic Testing Technology of Debond in the Composite with Multi-layered Adhesive Interface 复合材料多界面脱粘超声检测技术
Bring forward the repair method and repair demand of composite laminates when the honeycomb is debond from the plate of honeycomb sandwich structure composite laminates or in the condition of week bond between honeycomb and plate. 提出了复合材料蜂窝夹芯结构出现面板与蜂窝脱粘或弱粘接的情况下修理方法和修理要求,设计了试验件;
To further demonstrate the conclusion that the debond failure of carbon fiber sheets ( CFS) would be avoided by anchored the end used Wave-shaped-geargrip ( WSGG) anchor, four RC beams were strengthened by 4,6,8,10 layers CFS respectively. 为了进一步验证采用波形齿夹具锚锚固碳纤维布可以完全避免碳纤维布端部的剥离破坏,分别对采用粘贴4,6,8,10层碳纤维布加固的4根钢筋混凝土梁进行了抗弯加载试验。
Classification of debond in multi-layered composite by RBF network 多层粘接结构脱粘分类的RBF网络实现
Investigation for the critical size of debond in a solid rocket motor of end burning 某端燃固体火箭发动机脱粘面临界尺寸的研究
A lot of combustion experiments were conducted for the sample with a precut debond and the combustion process was measured by the X ray real time radiography system ( RTR). 对含有预制脱粘面的试件进行了大量的燃烧试验,用X射线实时成像系统记录了燃烧过程;
By introducing an interfacial debonding criterion, a method for determining the critical debond length was provided, and the critical debonding stress and the bridging constitutive relationship were also obtained. 通过引入一个界面分离准则,给出了求解临界分离长度的方法,获得了临界分离应力和桥联本构关系的表达式。
After igniting the motor, the combustion gas coming into the debond cavity may expand the debond cavity, and make an additional combustion area and lead to larger load. 发动机点火后燃气进入脱粘腔,使脱粘腔变形并获得额外的燃烧面积,从而导致更强的载荷。
Detection and Location of Debond Defect in Metal-nonmetal Multi-layered Bonded Structure 金属-非金属多层胶结结构中深层脱粘缺陷的检测与定位
By the aid of the Paris law and the energy release theory, the relationship between debond rate and debond force is established. 然后借助断裂力学中描述疲劳裂纹扩展的公式和能量耗散率理论,给出了界面脱粘长度、加载次数以及脱粘应力之间的关系式。
Results indicate that degradation of frictional coefficient is the main factor to influence the debond stress and crack growth during the fatigue loading. Also the effect of the geometric size should be considered to interfacial fatigue crack growth. 结果表明,摩擦系数的衰减程度是影响界面脱粘应力大小及裂纹扩展快慢的主要因素,而且材料的尺寸效应对界面疲劳特性的影响也不容忽视。
Results: The mean observation period for the veneers was 14.6 months. Four veneers failed duo to fracture, three because of debond, one because of discoloration. The cumulative rate of success was 91.2%. 结果:91个牙贴面平均观察时间为14.6个月,8个牙贴面失败,累积成功率为91.2%。
Hence, it is very significant to analyze the mechanism and extend law of interface debond of solid rocket motor. 因此,研究固体火箭发动机界面脱粘的机理和扩展规律,是固体火箭发动机结构完整性分析的重要课题。
Causation about interface debond are composed of two aspect of physics and chemistry, the main physical reasons are stress intensity and material damage near motor interface created under various work loads. 导致固体火箭发动机界面脱粘的原因包含物理的和化学的两个方面,在各种工况载荷作用下发动机界面附近的应力集中及材料损伤是产生脱粘的主要物理原因。
With the broad application of sandwich structures in aviation and other engineering domain, the research of these sandwich structures which have debond or damnification become very important. 随着复合材料层板在航空航天和其它工程领域的广泛应用,研究带脱层损伤的复合材料夹芯板的力学性能就变得非常重要了。