On Separation and Combination of Detoxicating Microbes, Detoxicated Theory and Applied Effect in Biology Detoxicating Method of RSM; Research of the solvent urea package for extracted tocopherol from debromination accompaniment 菜籽饼生物脱毒的微生物筛选复配、脱毒机理与应用效果研究溶剂脲包法从脱溴馏出物中提取生育酚
In order to extracted natural tocopherols from the debromination accompaniment, the method of solvent urea package were used to separate natural tocopherols and fatty acid and its glyceride. 为了从脱溴馏出物中提取天然生育酚,采用溶剂脲包法包络天然生育酚,与脂肪酸及其甘油酯分开。
METHOD: This compound was synthesized by steps of Mannich reaction, bromination, and debromination. 方法:以雄甾烯二酮为原料,经Mannich反应、溴化、脱溴等数步反应制得依西美坦。
A new approach and the technical parameters for synthesizing ( 6 methoxy 2 naphthanyl) 1 propanone from 2 naphthol via etherification, bromination, propionyl and debromination were experimentally studied. 以2-萘酚为原料,经过醚化、溴化、丙酰化和脱溴合成了6-甲氧基-2-萘丙酮,得到了6-甲氧基-2-萘丙酮各步合成的最佳工艺参数。
In the route A, after diosgenin was protected through the acetylation and bromine-addition reaction, the hydroxyl group was introduced at C-16 position by Oxone oxidation, followed the E/ F ring-opened with dithiol and debromination to give compound 2. 路线A是先经乙酰化和溴加成将薯蓣皂甙元保护后,通过Oxone氧化在C-16位引入羟基,再用乙二硫醇开E,F环,锌粉还原脱溴得到化合物2。
The results show that the debromination rate of 2-bromophenol can be accelerated significantly by increasing temperature and adding alkaline materials. 结果表明:升高温度和添加碱性物质能显著提高反应的脱溴率。