Objective To investigate the preventive effectiveness in reducing tooth decay and decalcification of different concentration of fluoride toothpaste for orthodontic patients. 目的比较不同浓度含氟牙膏对正畸牙龋病与脱矿的预防效果。
Objective To investigate the effect of decalcification with low-temperature microwave ( MW) and nitric acid ( NA) on the bone, teeth and other calcified tissue. 低温微波-硝酸快速脱钙方法对骨、牙齿及其他钙化组织的脱钙效果。
Objective To evaluate the effect of decalcification bone matrix ( DBM) and OSTEOSET in treating the bone defect. 目的探讨使用骨移植替代物脱钙骨基质(DBM)和硫酸钙颗粒(OSTEOSET)治疗骨缺损的疗效。
Study on Decalcification by Electrodialysis and Regenerate Resin in Sugar Industry Wastewater Regeneration 电渗析稀汁脱钙及钙盐废水再生糖用树脂的研究
Study of GFP modified bone marrow mesenchyma stem cells in bone bio-scaffold by semi-solid decalcification system 半固体脱钙对骨性材料内部绿色荧光蛋白标记骨髓间充质干细胞的研究
Experimental study of bone-induced bone mesenchymal stem cells on decalcification bone scaffolds 经骨向诱导的骨髓间充质干细胞在脱钙骨上生长行为的实验研究
Application of cyclic decalcification technology in delayed coking unit and improvement 原油循环脱钙技术在焦化装置的应用及改进
The commercial test of two decalcification agents CJ and RPD-2 in atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit is expounded. 介绍了两种酸性脱钙剂(CJ型和RPD-2型)在常减压蒸馏装置的工业试验情况。
Objective: To evaluate the effect of enamel sealing method with flowable composite resin to prevent decalcification during orthodontic treatment. 结论:光固化流动复合树脂封闭正畸托槽周边的牙釉质,能有效预防固定正畸治疗过程中牙釉质脱矿。
Commercial experiment of decalcification agent in crude electric desalting 脱钙剂CC827494在原油电脱盐中的应用
Decalcification can be performed by using acid or other agents. 脱钙可通过使用酸或其它试剂来进行。
Effect of Decalcification on Mast Cell Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Staining in Rat Cranial Bone Samples 脱钙对鼠颅骨标本中肥大细胞组织化学与免疫组织化学染色的影响
Effect of different decalcification condition on tooth-clearing technique 不同脱钙条件对透明牙体标本制作影响的实验研究
Conclusion Fluoride mouth rinse can effectively prevent and treat enamel decalcification in fixed-orthodontic treatment. 结论在固定正畸治疗中,含氟漱口液能有效防治牙釉质脱矿。
Saliva analysis by Fourier transform infrared spectrum in the enamel decalcification of orthodontic treatment of the teenagers 唾液傅立叶红外检测在青少年正畸牙面脱矿的初步研究
Forms of Calcium in Crude Oil and Study on Decalcification Technologies 原油中钙的存在形态及脱除技术研究
Effect of Zinc, Boron, Barium and Manganese on Enamel Decalcification 锌、硼、钡和锰在牙釉质脱矿过程中的作用
To investigate the effect of rapid decalcification techniques with microwave ( MW) and ethylene diamine tetracetic acid ( EDTA), and the loss of collagen on the process of decalcification in fish scale. 探讨了微波(MW)-乙二胺四乙酸二钠(EDTA)快速脱钙技术对鱼鳞脱钙的影响,及其脱钙过程中胶原的损失情况。
Method The compound biological material replacing skull from human or animal ( fetal cattle) which was repeatedly treated by decalcification, defatting and antirejection, plus binder which was extracted from Bletilla striata and corresponding biological line was made. 方法以经过反复脱钙、脱脂、抗排异处理的人/动物(胎牛)脱钙骨为基质配以白芨提取粘合剂和相应生物性衬垫、隔膜制成复合性生物颅骨替代材料。
After decalcification, calcified tissues and other tissue engineered cartilages were histologically examined. 含钙组织首先经脱钙处理后,与其它组织工程软骨行组织学检查。
In group ③, enamel rods were regularly arranged and highly mineralized and dentin had scattered foci of decalcification. 组釉柱排列整齐无脱矿,牙本质内有局灶性钙化减低区。
An Application of EDTA in Bone Decalcification EDTA在骨脱钙中的应用
Antigenicity of Osseous Tissue Influenced by Immunohistochemical Staining under Different Decalcification Conditions 不同脱钙条件对骨组织免疫组织化学染色抗原性的影响
Polyps in superior and middle meatus may cause bone absorption and decalcification. 中上鼻道息肉可以引起邻近骨质吸收脱钙。
Results The best decalcification method is the 10% EDTA+ ATM solution between the several different decalcification methods. 结果几种不同脱钙方法中,10%EDTA+ATM溶液对骨组织切片细胞内RNA酶的抑制效果最好,胶原蛋白Ⅱ原位杂交表达效果最强。
Objective Aim To evaluate the decalcification effect of fixed appliance application on enamel. 目的研究固定矫治器治疗前后牙釉质脱矿牙数,好发部位及影响因素。
Results: The change of all the speciments presented a platform of enamel decalcification was remarkable before 48 hours. 结果:所有样本48h以前釉质脱钙量随时间的变化差异有显著性。
Comparison of effects of microwave and ultrasonic wave on tooth decalcification 微波和超声波对人牙齿脱钙效果的比较研究
Study on crude oil decalcification Technology 原油脱钙技术的研究