Diffusion-exchange process becomes to dominate interfacial behavior with the decrease of interactions by the increasing bulk concentration or the insertion of decane molecules. 体相浓度增加或癸烷分子的插入均能削弱芳环支链间的强相互作用,扩散交换过程逐渐居主导地位。
In this paper, the cracking rule of thiophene and short chain alkylthiophenes in decane solution on modified zeolite was studied, under FCC conditions. 在催化裂化条件下,考察了改性分子筛上癸烷中噻吩及短侧链烷基噻吩的裂化规律。
"decane: any of various liquid isomers, CH, of the methane series." “癸烷:甲烷系的任何一种液体异构体,CH”
Hydrocracking of decane on different acidity Y zeolite catalysts 正癸烷在不同酸性Y型分子筛催化剂上的加氢裂化反应
Two Models of Blast Initiation of Detonation in Decane Spray 用爆炸波起爆癸烷云雾的两种模式
At lower temperature, GOC process of decane is more suitable for producing liquid compounds, as well as low alkenes. 于热裂解反应相比,低温下正癸烷的GOC反应更适合制备液体组分,同时联产低碳烯烃。
It is a promising method for lung cancer diagnosing by measuring 22 kinds of volatile organic compounds ( VOCs) in the exhalent breath, such as styrene, decane, n-undecane. 呼吸气体中苯乙烯,癸烷,十一烷等22种有机挥发性(VOCs)特征气体浓度测试便是一种很有前景的肺癌无创伤诊断与监护方法。
Effect of sugars and pH on the fermentation of decane 1, 10-dicarboxylic acid 糖类和pH值的改变对十二碳二元酸发酵的影响
The order of the total area of the microemulsion increasing with different kind of hydrocarbon is n cetane ≈ n tetradecane> n dodecane> n decane> n octadecane> octane. 不同的油类形成的微乳液区面积由大到小的顺序是:正十六烷≈正十四烷>正十二烷>正癸烷>正十八烷>正辛烷;
A series of turbidity measurements have been made for binary solutes of diethyl maleate in heptane, octane, nonane, and decane in the critical regions at various wavelengths and temperatures. 测量了顺丁烯二酸二乙酯与正庚烷、正辛烷、正壬烷和正癸烷二元溶液在临界区域不同波长及温度下的浊度。
A GC method using wide bore open tubular columns was established to detect seven residual solvents ( benzene 、 toluene 、 xylene 、 styrene 、 diethylbenzene 、 divinybengene 、 decane) in polystyrene-type macroporous absorbing resins. 本文建立了大口径毛细管柱气相色谱对苯乙烯型大孔吸附树脂的7种残留溶剂(苯、甲苯、二甲苯、二乙苯、苯乙烯、二乙烯苯、正癸烷)进行含量测定的方法。
Research of supercritical catalytic cracking of N-decane 超临界条件下正癸烷的催化裂解研究
Based on the Wiener index ( W), a harmonic topological index ( H) is proposed. H has been shown good structure selectivity, and appears uniqueness for 149 alkanes from ethane to decane. 基于Wiener指数(W)建立调和拓扑指数(H),该指数对乙烷至癸烷的149种烷烃呈现惟一性表征。
GC Determination of dimethylacetamide, butanone and decane in the air of workshop 车间空气中二甲基乙酰胺、丁酮和癸烷的气相色谱分析
The oxidative cracking of model compounds, such as hexane, cyclohexane, isooctane and decane, were investigated in this paper. 本论文以正己烷、环己烷、异辛烷和正癸烷为模型化合物,对高碳烷烃经氧化裂解过程制低碳烯烃进行了研究。
The degradation efficiency of decane, a model substance of oil on water, was studied with irradiation by sunlight. 以癸烷为水面模拟污染物,考察了其在日光照射下的降解效率。
After resin and asphaltene are dissolved in decane, the relationship between interfacial viscoelasticity of oil/ water interface and emulsion stability is investigated. 分析了胶质、沥青质溶于癸烷后,油/水界面膜粘弹性,及界面粘弹性与乳状液稳定性的关系。
UNIFAC method was applied to the mathematical simulation of methanol distillation to calculate the equilibrium data of five component systems which include methanol, water, decane, isobutanol and ethanol. The principle of the extractive distillation by means of adding water has been interpreted successfully in theory. 将UNIFAC法应用于甲醇精馏过程数学模拟,计算甲醇-水-癸烷-异丁醇-乙醇五组分体系的汽液平衡数据,从理论上成功地解释了在甲醇精馏过程中加水萃取精馏的原理。
The sample capacity of decane reaches 37 μ g. 用正癸烷测定其样品容量为37μg。
The effect of nonpolar solvents of isooctane and decane on the kinetics of CV alkaline fading has been discussed. 3. 并讨论了非极性溶剂&异辛烷和正癸烷对CV碱性褪色反应动力学的影响。
Thirty days after the initial plasma treatment, the smaller water contact angle, higher surface oxygen composition and IFSS to epoxy resin were found for the decane and DMSO pretreated groups. 在等离子处理后30天,这两组纤维有更高的表面氧元素百分含量以及和环氧树脂之间的界面剪切力,同时接触角更小。
The results show the reactions of CV and AOT both in water/ AOT/ isooctane microemulsion and in water/ AOT/ decane microemulsion are endothermic and entropy promoting, and the effect of entropy of the association reaction is larger than the effect of enthalpy. 结果表明在水/AOT/异辛烷微乳液和水/AOT/正癸烷微乳液中CV和AOT的缔合反应均为吸热且熵驱动的反应,缔合反应的熵效应大于焓效应。
Decane-( International Monetary Fund) put forward three pillars to the banking sector soundness, namely, official supervision, internal management and market discipline. 同时马努埃尔·癸田(国际货币基金组织)提出了银行业稳健的三根支柱法,即官方监督、内部管理和市场纪律。