The solution of all these problems hinges on strengthening collective leadership and opposing decentralism. 所有这些问题的解决,关键是巩固集体领导,反对分散主义。
However, during this period another kind of deviation developed within the Party, namely, decentralism. 但是,在这个时期,党内也曾经存在过另一种偏向,就是分散主义的偏向。
The past few years have seen a serious extent of decentralism arising in our work. 这几年,工作中的分散主义是相当厉害的。
Combating decentralism will win maximum popular approval because most comrades in the Party care about collective leadership. 反对分散主义,是最得人心的,因为党内大多数同志是关心集体领导的。
Seeking truth from facts must consider the situation as a whole, proceed from actual conditions entirely, and overcome localism, departmental selfishness and decentralism. 实事求是就是要照顾全局,一切从实际出发,克服地方主义、本位主义和分散主义。
To ensure the triumph of the cause of socialism, we must exercise collective leadership and oppose decentralism and subjectivism. 为了保证社会主义事业的成功,必须实行集体领导,反对分散主义,反对主观主义。
Therefore, during the whole process, decentralism liberals pursued and centralism tsar and big aristocrats maintained were intermingled. 因此,在改革的整个过程中,始终存在着自由派活动家追求社会原则和沙皇、大贵族维护国家原则两种改革倾向的斗争。
The enterprise performance evaluation occupies the important position in the enterprise inner control system, it is the foundation of the salary policy. At the same time, it can repress the irregularity of the decentralism decision that the performance evaluation combines with the salary policy. 业绩评价在企业内部控制制度中占有重要地位,它是薪酬政策的基础,同时将业绩评价与薪酬政策相结合又可抑制分散决策的弊端。