A result set object is a complicated beast, as it usually resides within the memory of the database management system and can only be deciphered by functions that interact with it. 该结果集对象是一个复杂对象,它通常位于数据库管理系统的存储器中,并且只能通过与之交互的函数辨认。
But without the all-important key, it cannot be easily deciphered. 但没有所有重要的键,破解也并不容易。
During this period serious studies were made chiefly by Lo Chn-Y, and Wang Kuo-wei, who deciphered about half of these newly discovered characters, thus laying the foundation of this new branch of palaeography. 这一时期严肃的研究工作主要是由罗振玉和王国维完成的。他们解密了约一半的新发现的文字,从而为这门新的古文书学奠定了基础。
More than eight hundred of these characters, about half of the total that have been discovered, can be definitely deciphered. 已有800多个字约为所发现的文字总数的一半得以明确解读。
Crenshaw deciphered the algorithm of the twisting motion, known as helical klinotaxis, and assisted Nekton's team in applying it to the robots, in essence crafting a new guidance technology. 克伦肖解算出「螺旋状调转趋性」这种扭摆运动的运作法则,并协助耐顿研究所的团队设计机器人,基本上是要发展出一种全新的导向技术。
The relationship between typographic text blocks and its surrounding empty space is deciphered as Lee organizes an aesthetic dialogue between the three organic forms; 印刷字块与周边空白的关系被解码,三个有机形体之间被安排了美学上的对话。
When last week it was announced that scientists have deciphered most of the human genetic code, a new era began. 当上周宣布科学家已经破解了大部分的人类遗传基因密码时,一个新的时代开始了。
Because encrypt technology can not provide further protection for deciphered data, fragile watermarking technology make up this defect and can be used for authenticity verification of digital media. 传统的加密技术不能对解密后的数据实施进一步的保护,而脆弱性水印技术克服了这个缺点,能对数字媒体内容的真实性进行有效认证。
Encryption helps to protect the privacy of the data; namely, it helps to ensure that while data is in transit it cannot be deciphered by third parties. 加密有助于保护数据的隐私;也就是说,它有助于确保第三方无法解密传输过程中的数据。
In a public-key cryptosystem, plaintext encrypted with the public key can only be deciphered with the private key from the same pair. 在公开密钥密码系统中,用明匙加密的普通文本只能由同一对钥匙中的秘密密钥解密。
Forgetting that most people in extremis want a peaceful and painless end, these experts see cancer or heart disease or whatever primarily as riddles to be deciphered. 他们将癌症、心脏病、或其他主要的疾病看作是需要破解的谜,却忘了大多数临终的病人希望能平静、毫无痛苦的死去。
But of old stones that cannot be deciphered. 而且是无法辨认的古老石碑们的一生。
As the genetic blueprint of life, DNA must be deciphered or "read," even when densely packed into nucleosomes. DNA作为生命的遗传蓝图,必须被解码或被“阅读”,甚至在被紧密“打包”放进核小体的时候也是如此。
It guarantees that the data is encrypted so that it cannot be deciphered by third parties. 它确保了数据是加密的,这样数据就无法被第三方破译。
Years of study lie ahead before the text can be deciphered, analysed and compared with existing texts. 在破译文献之前,他们进行了多年的研究和分析,并且与现存的文稿作出了比较。
He claims that he has deciphered the messages of warning left for us by our ancestors in the pyramids, in the Mayan calendar, Dendera Zodiac, the Nazca lines, and the ancient myths and legends. 他声称,他已破译的信息预警留给我们的我们的祖先在金字塔,在玛雅日历,丹达腊十二生肖的纳斯卡线,古代神话和传说。
It has deciphered the switch between spirit and material for human beings. 揭示了人类精神与物质互动的角色转换。
And that is just the information we've deciphered. 而这些只是我们解密了的信息。
Sex and its effects are perhaps not so easily deciphered; on the other hand, their repression, thus reconstructed, is easily analyzed. 也许,性及其结果是不容易被了解的,但是由此而形成的对它们的压抑却是易于分析的。
The caused-motion constructions, aimed at conveying causal semantic meanings, can best be explicated and deciphered with reference to conceptual blending theory. 正>英语使动结构可以传递使动义,其产生和存在从复合空间理论中能得到较为完满的解释。
"The Enigma code was first broken by the poles in the early1930s, so that German messages were eventually intercepted and deciphered by allied code-breakers during the war." 谜语机密码于1930年代初被波兰人破解,因此德国在战争中所传达的讯息最后都被联军的译码员所视破
If they know you are waiting for him deciphered, it will only allow them dumbfounding. 如果他们知道你在等着他破译,只会让他们哭笑不得。
The garbled words can be deciphered. A dictionary helps one to distinguish correct and incorrect usages. 误收的字能够被辨认出来。词典可用以辨识遣词造句的正误。
Seals with a pictographic script, which has not as yet been deciphered, were found at the Indus Valley sites. 在印度河流域地区发现了一个带有象形文字手稿的图案,可是至今还未被破译。
I've deciphered some more of the glyphs. 我又破译了几个象形文字。
As you all know, The Stolen Journalswere deciphered by the Spacing Guild, and the method of the Guild Keywas employed to translate these newly discovered volumes. 众所周知,偷来的日记是由宇航公会破译的,同样的破译密钥也被用来翻译这些新发现的档案。
You did it! You deciphered the clues in my note. 你们终于来了!你们破译了我遗信上的线索。