I see that I have lapsed into parable and ecstatic declamation. 我知道我在比喻和狂喜的辩论中造成了遗误。
Declamation is a traditional Chinese teaching method. 诵读教学是我国传统的语文教学方法。
This text probes into among primary school Chinese teaching, how the teachers utilize methods of declamation, associating, comparison and expanding outside reading etc., lead students to find beauty and realizing the aesthetic valid method that moves in composition teaching in reading teaching. 本文探讨了在小语教学中教师如何利用涵咏法、联想法、比较法和扩大课外阅读量等方法引导学生在阅读教学中发现美以及在作文教学中实现审美迁移的有效方法。