Special Political and Decolonization Committee ( Fourth Committee) 特别政治和非殖民化委员会(第四委员会)
Special Committee on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Apartheid and Decolonization ethnic group 种族主义、种族歧视、种族隔离和非殖民化问题特别委员会
Anti-Apartheid, Decolonization and Palestine Programmes Sectio 反对种族隔离、非殖民化和巴勒斯坦方案科
Harare Declaration on the Total Decolonization of Africa and the Elimination of Apartheid 关于非洲彻底非殖民化和消除种族隔离制度的哈拉雷宣言
Final Document on Decolonization of Zimbabwe and Namibia 关于津巴布韦和纳米比亚非殖民化的最后文件
With the rise of the decolonization movement in the20th century, getting rid of poverty and backwardness and realizing modernization became the road that the third world countries had to take to realize their complete independence and the invigoration of their nations. 进入二十世纪以后,随着非殖民化运动的兴起,摆脱贫穷落后、实现现代化,成为第三世界国家实现国家完全独立和民族振兴的必由之路。
Political and decolonization activities 政治和非殖民化活动
We fought for decolonization. 过去我们为非殖民化而战。
The decolonization of Africa by white Europeans was largely welcomed by the indigenous people. 欧洲白人取消对非洲的殖民地化,受到当地人民的热烈欢迎。
The groin is the most sensitive anatomic site for active surveillance, and spontaneous decolonization is rare. 腹股沟是动态监测最敏感的部位,同时自然非定植是很少见的。
Application of polymeric adsorbent in decolonization and preparation of high content Alisol extract 吸附树脂法在泽泻提取物的脱色及高纯度泽泻醇制备中的应用研究
The evolvement of decolonization was, by nature, an adjustment of its colonial policy after its power had waned and a struggle to save the dying British Empire. 它的性质是英国在国力衰落之下对殖民地所做的一次调整,是在当时的历史条件下为了挽救垂死的大英殖民帝国所做的挣扎。
Some African leaders wanted radical decolonization. 某些非洲国家领袖要求彻底的非殖民地化。
United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization of Africa 联合国非洲非殖民化特别委员会
The great waves of decolonization were just stirring; the few developing countries were seen as objects, not subjects, of history. 非殖民化的大潮尚处于萌动阶段,少数的几个发展中国家只是历史的被支配者,而非主宰者。
Department for Special Political Questions, Regional Cooperation, Decolonization and Trusteeship 特别政治问题、区域合作、非殖民化和托管部
Owing to Africa's potential role in reconstruction of the Empire existence model, the British government started its exploring experience of decolonization in Africa as the center – an experience of reconstructing a secret empire. 由于对非洲在未来帝国生存模式重组方面可能会发挥的巨大作用,英国开始了以非洲为中心的帝国非殖民化的探索进程,但这同时也将是以非洲为中心重组一个隐性帝国的历程。
On the Decolonization Tendency of Susan Sontag The Study of Susan Sontag's Critical Theory 论苏珊·桑塔格的非殖民化倾向苏珊·桑塔格批评思想研究
Second part concentrate on probing into its main behavior, which includes four aspects: the struggle to America, the European construction, eastern policy and decolonization; 第二部分则集中探讨它的主要表现,其中包括对美斗争问题、欧洲建设问题、东方政策问题以及非殖民化问题四个方面;
The decolonization of the British Empire experienced four stages. 英国的非殖民化经历了四个阶段。
In Chapter Four, by analyzing the function of literary translation in establishing cultural identity, the author affirms that literary translation can be a positive force of decolonization. 第四章分析了文学翻译在建立文化身份的过程中所发挥的作用,指出文学翻译是消解殖民的一种积极力量和有效途径。
On Decolonization in Translation 论翻译与非殖民化
On the mechanism and practice of decolonization by UN 联合国关于非殖民化的机制与实践
In the early postwar period the decolonization that the US has previously designed for Indochina is engulfed by the realistic politics. 战后初期,美国在战时为印度支那所设计的非殖民化之路逐渐被现实政治所吞没。
Discusses the conception and its significance of reconciliation, forgiveness and harmonious co-existence in the process of decolonization, as is revealed in the novel itself. 探讨了作品所揭示的后殖民时期非殖民化进程中宽容、和解、和谐共存的理念及其深远意义。
Through the analysis of problems in the process of colonization and decolonization, this thesis reveals the literary influences and historical power of these two novels. 通过揭示殖民化与去殖民化过程中存在的社会历史问题,本文分析了这两个文本在与历史语境对话过程中发挥的重要文学意义和历史作用。