A benefit of this design is that each variable class can be extended if the value must be modified on return, such as numerically incremented or decremented. 这种设计的一种好处,在于如果变量必须更改的话,那么每一个变量都可以得到扩展,这就使得变量得到显著的增加或者降低。
If you do, the value of the counter must first be copied on to a register, decremented, and then updated to its memory. 如果这样做,counter的值必须先复制到寄存器,递减,然后对其内存更新。
If the user presses the Up Arrow or Down Arrow key, the global cursor variable is incremented/ decremented accordingly. 如果用户按下了UpArrow或DownArrow键,全局cursor变量将相应地递增或递减。
It can be used to hold a loop count that can be decremented during execution of Branch instructions. 它可用于保存可以在执行Branch指令期间递减的循环计数。
EBX is decremented and ANDed with the difference between the two constant values. EBX的值被减少,并且与两个常量值的差执行与(AND)操作。
Every time one of the processes invokes the sync() method, this variable is decremented by one and a wait() call is issued. 每当进程调用sync()方法时,这个变量就减一,并发出wait()调用。
Each area of scoped memory has a reference count; when a thread enters an area of scoped memory, the reference count is incremented, and when it leaves, the reference count is decremented. 作用域内存的每个区域都有一个引用计数;一个线程进入scoped内存的一个区域时,该引用计数将递增,当该线程离开时,引用计数则递减。
Current number of threads merging data. Decremented when blocked by pipeline of work. 合并数据的线程的当前数目。当受工作管道阻塞时,将减量。
When discharges are detected, the counter or preset counter is incremented or decremented respectively-a particularly useful feature for long test runs. 当检测到放电时,计数器或预置计数器相应地进行增或减计数,对于长时间测试这是一种特别有用的功能。
As the charge is replaced the count is decremented. 在电荷得到补充时,计数递减。