ADJ-GRADED (从上到下)深的,厚的 If something is deep, it extends a long way down from the ground or from the top surface of something.
The water is very deep and mysterious-looking... 水看上去幽深叵测。
Den had dug a deep hole in the centre of the garden... 德恩在花园的中央挖了一个深洞。
Kelly swore quietly, looking at the deep cut on his left hand. 凯利看着自己左手上深深的伤口,嘴里暗骂了一句。
...a deep ravine. 深谷
Deep is also an adverb.
Deep in the earth's crust the rock may be subjected to temperatures high enough to melt it... 在地壳深处,温度如此之高,可能足以将岩石熔化。
Gingerly, she put her hand in deeper, to the bottom. 她一只手小心翼翼地往下伸,一直摸到底部。
ADJ-GRADED (从前到后)深的,宽的 A deep container, such as a cupboard, extends or measures a long distance from front to back.
The wardrobe was very deep. 这个衣柜很深。
ADJ-GRADED 有…深的 You use deep to talk or ask about how much something measures from the surface to the bottom, or from front to back.
I found myself in water only three feet deep... 我发现脚下的水只有 3 英尺深。
The mud is ankle deep around Shush Square... 舒什广场周围的泥水深及脚踝。
How deep did the snow get? 雪下了多深?
Deep is also a combining form. (亦可用于构词) inch-deep stab wound. 一英寸深的刺伤 of the many points on the river where the water runs thigh-deep. 河水深及大腿的许多地方之一
ADV-GRADED 深入地;在(或至)深处 Deep in an area means a long way inside it
They were now deep inside rebel territory. 他们现在已深入叛军占领区。
...deep inside the country... 深入该国的腹地
The first goal originated from a free-kick deep inside Everton's half. 第一粒进球源自于从埃弗顿队的后半场开出的任意球。
ADJ-GRADED (足球、网球等运动中球)纵深的,靠近对方端线的 In sports such as football and tennis, a deep shot or pass is one that sends the ball a long way towards the end of the pitch or court.
...Steve Staunton's deep cross. 史蒂夫·斯汤顿的纵深横传
...a deep volley. 凌空远射
ADV 成…排地;有…层地 If you say that things or people are two ,three, or four deep, you mean that there are two, three, or four rows or layers of them there.
A crowd three deep seemed paralysed by the images on these monitors... 里里外外三层的人群看到显示屏上的画面似乎全都惊呆了。
The rest of the space was taken up by cardboard boxes piled right to the ceiling, ten deep. 其余的空间都被纸板盒子占据了,一直摞到天花板,足有 10 层高。
ADJ-GRADED 严重的;深切的;深厚的;深深的 You use deep to emphasize the seriousness, strength, importance, or degree of something.
I had a deep admiration for Sartre... 我对萨特怀有深深的敬意。
...a period of deep personal crisis... 经历严重个人危机的一段时期
This attitude was in deep contrast with popular feeling in the rest of Italy... 这一态度与意大利其他地方的普遍情绪形成鲜明对比。
He wants to express his deep sympathy to the family. 他想向这家人表示深切的同情。
ADV-GRADED 在内心深处;在心底 If you experience or feel something deep inside you or deep down, you feel it very strongly even though you do not necessarily show it.
I kept reassuring them but deep in my heart I knew we had no hope... 我一再安慰他们,但在内心深处我知道我们没有任何希望。
Deep down, she supported her husband's involvement in the organization. 在心底里,她支持丈夫参加这个组织。
ADJ-GRADED (睡眠)沉的,酣的 If you are in a deep sleep, you are sleeping peacefully and it is difficult to wake you.
Una soon fell into a deep sleep. 尤娜很快便沉沉睡去。
ADJ-GRADED 沉浸在…中的;专注于…的;埋头于…的 If you are deep in thought or deep in conversation, you are concentrating very hard on what you are thinking or saying and are not aware of the things that are happening around you.
Abby had been so deep in thought that she had walked past her aunt's car without even seeing it... 阿比沉浸在自己的思绪中,以至于从她姨妈的车边经过时都没有注意到。
Before long, we were deep in conversation. 没过多久,我们便聊得很起劲了。
ADJ (目光)锐利的,深邃的 A deep look seems to see right into your mind.
Peter gave him a long deep look. 彼得深邃的目光长久地注视着他。
Deep is also an adverb.
He paused, staring deep into Mary's eyes. 他停了停,深深地注视着玛丽的眼睛。
ADJ-GRADED (呼吸或叹息)深重的,深长的 A deep breath or sigh uses or fills the whole of your lungs.
Cal took a long, deep breath, struggling to control his own emotions... 卡尔深长地吸了一口气,努力控制自己的情绪。
At last he gave a deep sigh. 最后他一声长叹。
COMB in COLOUR (颜色)深的,浓的 You use deep to describe colours that are strong and fairly dark.
The sky was deep blue and starry... 天空一片深蓝色,其间星光闪烁。
The tree has gnarled red branches and deep green leaves. 这棵树的树枝扭曲多瘤且呈红色,树叶则是深绿色。
Deep is also an adjective.
...deep colours. 浓重的色彩
ADJ-GRADED (声音)深沉的,低沉的 A deep sound is low in pitch.
His voice was deep and mellow... 他的声音深沉而柔和。
They heard a deep, distant roar. 他们听到远处传来一声低沉的怒吼。
ADJ-GRADED (人)深沉的,内敛的 If you describe someone as deep, you mean that they are quiet and reserved in a way that makes you think that they have good qualities such as intelligence or determination.
James is a very deep individual... 詹姆斯是一个非常内敛的人。
That expressionless face had seemed deep and mysterious. 那张毫无表情的脸看上去深沉而又神秘。
ADJ-GRADED (问题、文章等)重要的,严肃的,深刻的 If you describe something such as a problem or a piece of writing as deep, you mean that it is important, serious, or complicated.
This is a very deep question... 这是一个非常严肃的问题。
They're written as adventure stories. They're not intended to be deep. 它们是作为历险故事来写的,并没打算追求深刻。
ADV-GRADED 深陷(债务等中) If you are deep in debt, you have a lot of debts.
He is so deep in debt and desperate for money that he's apparently willing to say anything... 他负债累累,急需要钱,很显然什么话都说得出来。
The company is sliding even deeper into the red. 公司的亏损状况进一步恶化。
N-SING 海洋;大海 The deep means the sea.
...a vast unfrequented pool, traversed by whales and creatures of the deep. 一个面积巨大、人迹罕至的水池,鲸和其他海洋动物穿游其间
PHRASE 在内心深处,在心底(知道) If you know something deep down or deep down inside, you know that it is true, but you are not always conscious of it or willing to admit it to yourself.
We knew deep down that we could do it... 在内心深处,我们知道自己能够做到。
Deep down, we had always detested each other. 我们在心底里一直都讨厌彼此。
PHRASE 深吸一口气(以使自己坚强自信) If you say that you took a deep breath before doing something dangerous or frightening, you mean that you tried to make yourself feel strong and confident.
I took a deep breath and went in. 我深吸一口气,然后走了进去。
PHRASE 非常严重;极为强烈;根深蒂固 If you say that something goes deep or runs deep, you mean that it is very serious or strong and is hard to change.
His anger and anguish clearly went deep... 他的愤怒和痛苦显然是深切而强烈的。
The problems went deeper than mere teething difficulties. 问题不仅仅是起始阶段的小麻烦那么简单。
We may now be able to get a much better idea of the true age of the universe, and solve one of the deepest questions of our origins. 现在,我们也许能够更加清楚地了解宇宙生成的年代,并且解答关于人类起源最为深奥的问题之一。
I was stimulated to examine my deepest thoughts. 我深受启发,开始审视自己内心深处的想法。
It is with the deepest regret that we learn of your bereavement. 惊悉你亲人逝世,深切悲痛。
Please accept my deepest gratitude. 请你接受我最深的谢意。
An interest in people's deepest feelings characterizes all her writings. 关注人们内心最深处的感情是她所有著作的特征。
The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time. 最深和最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。
You have my deepest sympathy at this difficult time. 在这艰难时刻我真是太同情你了。
Living in alignment with your deepest values and beliefs will ultimately make you happy. 在生活中遵从你最深刻的价值观和信念最终会让你快乐。
I send my deepest sympathies to Eve's family, Cumberbatch writes. 我向Eve的家人送上我最深的同情,Cumberbatch在信中写。
I remember with deepest gratitude the kindness of these dear friends and the happy days I spent with them. 我由衷地感谢这些朋友们的仁慈和慷慨,我同他们在一起度过了最美好的时光。
You are the deepest scar in my heart. 你是我心头最深的伤疤。
Bob and I send our love and our deepest sympathy to you both. 我和鲍勃向你们致以真诚的问候和深切的慰问。
I believe that freedom is the deepest need of every human soul. 我相信自由是每一个人类灵魂所最深的需要。
On this occasion I wish to express my deepest thanks for your kindness. 借此机会我希望对你的好心表示我由衷的谢意。
I offer you my deepest sympathy. 我向你表示最深切的同情。
Are his goals and deepest beliefs worthy and similar to yours? 是否他的目标和信仰高尚和类似于你的?
In my deepest light I created you from my desire to understand my universe. 在我最深的光里,为着理解我之宇宙的渴望,我创造了你。
Because I know, there is a love called to give up, it is the deepest love you. 因为我知道,有一种爱叫做放弃,那是对你最深的爱。
With deepest sympathy to you and all your family. 谨向你和家人致以深切的慰问。
And that makes this the deepest valley in the world. 这便形成了世界最深的河谷。
No matter when you come, I will extend my deepest welcome to you. 无论你何时来,我都将最热忱的欢迎你。
Warm thoughts and deepest sympathy are with you. 殷切的思念和深切的慰问伴随着你。
I am writing to extend my deepest sympathies to you and your family. 谨以此信表示我对您和您家人的深切慰问。
In our darkest hour, in my deepest despair, will you still care? 在我们最黑暗的时刻,在我最深的绝望中,你仍然会关心么?
My deepest condolences to our Chinese friends. 我向我们的中国朋友表示最深切的哀悼!
Let me convey my deepest sympathy. 允许我表达我最深切的同情。
I can only offer you my deepest condolences over this terrible tragedy. 对于这起可怕的灾难,我只能向您表示最深切的哀悼。
I would like to use my deepest love I raise my Acura birth vast stretches of land. 我愿意用我最深沉的爱讴歌生育我抚养我的广阔土地。
They reveal your deepest desires, fears, hopes and wishes that you might not even be aware of. 可以反映你最深层的,甚至你平时没有意识到的欲望、恐惧、希望和心愿等。
Our deepest sympathies go out to herhusband and children. 我们向她的丈夫和孩子们表示最深切的同情。