Her reasons for acting are morally defensible. 她的举动从道义上来讲是合情合理的。
Joyus is a consumer-facing tech company without any defensible technology – just like dozens of other startups that raise venture capital each month. Joyus是一家缺乏防御性技术、以个人消费者为主导的技术公司,而在风险投资的带动下,每个月都会出现几十家这样的公司。
It heightens the danger to less defensible targets, as we saw in a shopping mall in Nairobi. 就像我们在内罗毕(Nairobi)购物商场看到的那样,这还会增加防备薄弱目标遇险的可能性。
In retrospect, that looks defensible& today, every computer, tablet and smartphone ship with built-in browsers, because everyone believes they are an important aspect of the user experience of computers. 如今看来,这个说法是有道理的&如今的所有电脑、平板和智能手机出厂时都内置了浏览器,因为大家都认为,这是电脑用户体验的一个重要方面。
Such a practice is straightforward, but no longer defensible as cases continue to drop dramatically, especially in Africa. 这种做法直截了当,但随着病例数量持续大幅降低,尤其是在非洲,这样做已不再合理。
All the more reason for us to have a defensible position should we need to abandon atlantis. 这些都表明我们应该离开亚特兰蒂斯,去另一个能防御的地方。
Any solution must be rationally justifiable ( an arbitrary compromise is not defensible). 任何解决方案都应该在理性上行得通(一种很武断的妥协是无法捍卫自己的)。
That's not really a defensible argument. 那并非是一个正当有理的论点。
But most people also have a well-founded intuition that, when it comes to bankers 'bonuses, an inquiry into process and rationale does not make them any more defensible. 但大多数人同样有另一个根深蒂固的直觉:当谈到银行家的奖金时,即使对其过程和逻辑依据进行探究,也不能提高它们的合理性。
The reasons for countries 'reluctance to share information are understandable, though hardly defensible. 各国不愿共享其信息是情有可原的,尽管这些理由有些牵强附会。
His action was not really defensible, although he tried very hard. 虽然他努力为自己的行为辩护,但其行为没有什么防御能力。
Unlike many critics of Mr Obama, I see these policies as defensible. 与许多批评奥巴马的人士不同的是,我认为这些政策是可以辩解的。
Patents make our product defensible. 专利权对我们的产品提供强有力的保护。
His behavior was perfectly defensible. 他的行为是完全可以辩解的。
After all, as far as its logic goes, his position is perfectly defensible. 毕竟,就其逻辑而言,他的立场是完全站得住脚的。
Most of frastrutions are more likely to be this way, those defensible often do not allow us to let herself go, we thought the incomplete is beautiful. 人世间的无奈大抵如此,守得住的往往并不能使我们忘情,我们以为绝美的终是残缺。
Moreover, the steps taken to investigate OOT results should be scientifically defensible, and the rationale for the investigation's depth should be documented. 此外,OOT结果调查所采取的步骤应科学有理有据,调查程度的原理应有文件记录。
Later the Treasury retreated to a more defensible position. 后来,英国财政部退而采取了一种更具防守性的立场。
Motte and Bailey is a simple, defensible outpost, little more than a watchtower and protective fence. 城寨是简易前沿防御基地,略强于哨塔和栅栏。
Probably the best the present tenants can hope for is a fair share of "personal defensible space". 也许现代租屋人所能够期待最好的是一点点属于个人的防御空间。
To examine therapeutic cloning from a utilitarian perspective, therapeutic cloning research is eminently defensible on utilitarian grounds because of the potential for benefit. 从功利主义的角度审视治疗性克隆,治疗性克隆研究能够为人类造福,是可以得到辩护的。
As for wiretapping, most commonly used before to convict mobsters, it is defensible here, too. 至于之前用于给不法分子定罪的最常用手段电话窃听,在这里也是完全站得住脚的。
So, the question to ask is not whether a firm has high market share, but rather how the firm achieved that share, which will give you insight into how defensible that dominant position will be. 问题的关键在于思索企业的市场占有率为什么高,是什么因素导致的?这个答案会给你企业是否具有真正的护城河。
In an application of a different posture, four toolbars may be overly complex, but the sovereign posture has a defensible claim on the pixels. 其他姿态下的应用4个工具栏可能过于复杂,但独占姿态在像素使用方面有着正当的理由。
We believe that many of the prominent new Internet companies are building real, high-growth, high-margin, highly defensible businesses. 我们认为,许多互联网公司后起新秀正在创造真实、高增长、高利润率和高防御性的企业。
Economic activities were seen as the only defensible form of American involvement abroad. 经济活动被认为是美国插手海外的唯一可以辩护的形式。
But Berlin was no longer defensible. 但是柏林已经无法保卫了。
But ethical standards and guidelines can offer guidance toward thoughtful and defensible solutions. 但是,道德准则和指南能够有助于找到慎重和有理的解决办法。
On the other, Mr McLaughlin has built a presentation around the best practices, strategic model, and disciplines that wealth managers must develop in order to build on their core service offerings and construct a logical and defensible pricing scheme. 另一方面,麦克劳克林撰写了一份报告,核心内容是财富管理公司必须形成的最佳实践、战略模式与纪律,以便凭借自己的核心服务项目,建立一套符合逻辑、站得住脚的定价机制。
Execution Plan Defensible IP? Solid revenue driver? Scalability. 执行计划防御知识产权?单纯收入来源?预测?