If the centre of your flower is a circle, but your petals are pointy, you are probably hiding a warm heart behind a prickly defensiveness. 若花心是圆形的,但是花瓣确是尖的,那么,在你坚强的防备下有可能有一颗温暖的心。
It's being willing to look at your mistakes or failures with kindness and understanding& without harsh criticism or defensiveness. 你更愿意用仁慈和理解的心态看待错误或失败&而不是严厉的批评或抵触心理。
Do some basic sleuthing to uncover or imagine why a person ( partner, colleague, parent) may have certain defense mechanisms ( narcissism, defensiveness, aggression, depression, etc.) or personality traits. 做一些基本的侦查去发现或想象为什么一个人(合作伙伴、同事、家长)可能有一定的防御机制(自恋、防御、攻击、抑郁等)或个性特征。
The square between Mars and Saturn sets up a defensiveness in your nature, producing some difficulties in personal relationships. 火星跟土星之间的四分相让你的天性中建立出了自我防御的特点,带来了一些人际关系的困难。
This, and NoKo to a smaller degree, is why Japan recently realigned their defense strategy away from their Cold War emphasis on tanks to one of defensiveness and expanded naval control of their seas. 只有少数日本人同意这种说法,冷战后日本为了在他的海域布置更多的坦克装备和海军力量而重新调整了战略部署。
Defensiveness in a listener takes the form of of ignoring or immediately rebutting the spouse's complaint, reacting to it as though it were an attack rather than an attempt to change behavior. 听者的防御性体现为无视或立即反驳配偶的抱怨,将配偶的抱怨看做一种攻击而非尝试改变行为的举措。
The way people sit, stand, and move in general can communicate confidence or insecurity, defensiveness or openness, boredom or excitement. 人们坐、立以及行动的方式,一般来讲能够传达自信或者不安全感,自我保护或者开放,厌倦或者兴奋。
If you experience a high rate of defensiveness in others when you offer feedback or criticism, carefully check whether you have been using an aggressive communication style. 仔细体会一下你在交流中使用的语言,看看你有没有挑衅式的交流习惯。
Take a breath, pause, then respond calmly and honestly, without undue defensiveness. 深呼吸,屏气,然后平静和诚实地回应,不要带着不应有的防御心理。
Curiosity: Diminishing your defensiveness, and remaining open to differences; being willing to learn more about self and other in every circumstance. 好奇心:放下自己的防卫机制,对他人保持敞开,在任何环境下保持一颗敞开的心。
There is unease in India at moves by China to snare energy resources around the world and defensiveness at home that is reflected in an increasing number of Chinese companies being shut out of the market on security grounds. 中国在全球争夺能源的举动,引起了印度国内的不安情绪;而印度方面以国家安全为由,将越来越多的中国公司排除在印度市场之外,也反映出印度国内的防御心态。
The prevailing political sentiment in Jewry today is of aggressive defensiveness, a curious amalgam of victimhood and intolerance. 今天在犹太社区内占主导位置的政治心态是一种好斗的自卫心态,这是一种被迫害心态和偏见的奇怪混合物。
With this solid wall of defensiveness and pretence how can we truly meet ourselves, not to mention another person? 在这道防御的高墙下,我们如何能真正的遇见自己,又如何能去遇见他人?
Repressive personality is a personality type which is the combination of low trait anxiety and high defensiveness. 压抑人格是一种同时具有低特质焦虑和高防御两个特征的人格类型。
You can state clearly and firmly how you feel or what you think, but there will be no aggressiveness or defensiveness about it. 你能清楚、坚定地阐述你的感受、你的想法,但是不会带上侵犯、防御。
Above all, Baru believes India must jettison the knee-jerk defensiveness that characterises its relations with trading partners and foreign investors, a manifestation of what he calls its East India Company syndrome. 首先,巴鲁相信,印度必须抛弃与贸易伙伴和外国投资者关系中特有的下意识防御心态。巴鲁将这种表现称为东印度公司综合症。
The defensiveness of the Indian business groups stems from the fact that India's exports to China are low value-added and weighted towards unprocessed natural resources. 印度企业团体的保护观点源自这样一个事实:印度对华出口的多是一些低附加值产品,偏重于未加工的自然资源。
This outbreak of defensiveness embodies one paradox and several myths. 排外行动的爆发,体现了一个矛盾和几个“神话”。
In addition, the integral defense system frame of Juyongguan defense area is analyzed level by level from three parts: organization system of defense system → physical carrier of organization system → defensiveness space of physical carrier. 进而从防御体系的组织系统→组织系统的物质载体→物质载体的防御性空间三个方面,层层深入,逐级剖析居庸关防区的整体防御体系构架。
The current nursing postgraduates from admission to employment in the process of clinical nursing work has certain defensiveness there. 目前护理硕士研究生从入学到就业的过程中就对临床护理工作有一定的抵触情绪存在。